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Perl 5 version 12.0 documentation
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perluniprops - Index of Unicode Version 5.2.0 properties in Perl


There are many properties in Unicode, and Perl provides access to almost all of them, as well as some additional extensions and short-cut synonyms.

And just about all of the few that aren't accessible through the Perl core are accessible through the modules: Unicode::Normalize and Unicode::UCD, and for Unihan properties, via the CPAN module Unicode::Unihan.

This document merely lists all available properties and does not attempt to explain what each property really means. There is a brief description of each Perl extension. There is some detail about Blocks, Scripts, General_Category, and Bidi_Class in perlunicode, but to find out about the intricacies of the Unicode properties, refer to the Unicode standard. A good starting place is More information on the Perl extensions is in perlrecharclass.

Note that you can define your own properties; see User-Defined Character Properties in perlunicode.

Properties accessible through \p{} and \P{}

The Perl regular expression \p{} and \P{} constructs give access to most of the Unicode character properties. The table below shows all these constructs, both single and compound forms.

Compound forms consist of two components, separated by an equals sign or a colon. The first component is the property name, and the second component is the particular value of the property to match against, for example, '\p{Script: Greek}' or '\p{Script=Greek}' both mean to match characters whose Script property is Greek.

Single forms, like '\p{Greek}', are mostly Perl-defined shortcuts for their equivalent compound forms. The table shows these equivalences. (In our example, '\p{Greek}' is a just a shortcut for '\p{Script=Greek}'.) There are also a few Perl-defined single forms that are not shortcuts for a compound form. One such is \p{Word}. These are also listed in the table.

In parsing these constructs, Perl always ignores Upper/lower case differences everywhere within the {braces}. Thus '\p{Greek}' means the same thing as '\p{greek}'. But note that changing the case of the 'p' or 'P' before the left brace completely changes the meaning of the construct, from "match" (for '\p{}') to "doesn't match" (for '\P{}'). Casing in this document is for improved legibility.

Also, white space, hyphens, and underscores are also normally ignored everywhere between the {braces}, and hence can be freely added or removed even if the /x modifier hasn't been specified on the regular expression. But a 'T' at the beginning of an entry in the table below means that tighter (stricter) rules are used for that entry:

  • Single form (\p{name}) tighter rules:

    White space, hyphens, and underscores ARE significant except for:

    • white space adjacent to a non-word character
    • underscores separating digits in numbers

    That means, for example, that you can freely add or remove white space adjacent to (but within) the braces without affecting the meaning.

  • Compound form (\p{name=value} or \p{name:value}) tighter rules:

    The tighter rules given above for the single form apply to everything to the right of the colon or equals; the looser rules still apply to everything to the left.

    That means, for example, that you can freely add or remove white space adjacent to (but within) the braces and the colon or equal sign.

Some properties are considered obsolete, but still available. There are several varieties of obsolesence:

  • Obsolete

    Properties marked with an 'O' in the table are considered obsolete. At the time of this writing (Unicode version 5.2) there is no information in the Unicode standard about the implications of a property being obsolete.

  • Stabilized

    Obsolete properties may be stabilized. This means that they are not actively maintained by Unicode, and will not be extended as new characters are added to the standard. Such properties are marked with an 'S' in the table. At the time of this writing (Unicode version 5.2) there is no further information in the Unicode standard about the implications of a property being stabilized.

  • Deprecated

    Obsolete properties may be deprecated. This means that their use is strongly discouraged, so much so that a warning will be issued if used, unless the regular expression is in the scope of a no warnings 'deprecated' statement. A 'D' flags each such entry in the table, and the entry there for the longest, most descriptive version of the property will give the reason it is deprecated, and perhaps advice. Perl may issue such a warning, even for properties that aren't officially deprecated by Unicode, when there used to be characters or code points that were matched by them, but no longer. This is to warn you that your program may not work like it did on earlier Unicode releases.

    A deprecated property may be made unavailable in a future Perl version, so it is best to move away from them.

Some Perl extensions are present for backwards compatibility and are discouraged from being used, but not obsolete. An 'X' flags each such entry in the table.

Matches in the Block property have shortcuts that begin with 'In_'. For example, \p{Block=Latin1} can be written as \p{In_Latin1}. For backward compatibility, if there is no conflict with another shortcut, these may also be written as \p{Latin1} or \p{Is_Latin1}. But, N.B., there are numerous such conflicting shortcuts. Use of these forms for Block is discouraged, and are flagged as such, not only because of the potential confusion as to what is meant, but also because a later release of Unicode may preempt the shortcut, and your program would no longer be correct. Use the 'In_' form instead to avoid this, or even more clearly, use the compound form, e.g., \p{blk:latin1}. See Blocks in perlunicode for more information about this.

The table below has two columns. The left column contains the \p{} constructs to look up, possibly preceeded by the flags mentioned above; and the right column contains information about them, like a description, or synonyms. It shows both the single and compound forms for each property that has them. If the left column is a short name for a property, the right column will give its longer, more descriptive name; and if the left column is the longest name, the right column will show any equivalent shortest name, in both single and compound forms if applicable.

The right column will also caution you if a property means something different than what might normally be expected.

All single forms are Perl extensions; a few compound forms are as well, and are noted as such.

Numbers in (parentheses) indicate the total number of code points matched by the property. For emphasis, those properties that match no code points at all are listed as well in a separate section following the table.

There is no description given for most non-Perl defined properties (See for that).

For compactness, '*' is used as a wildcard instead of showing all possible combinations. For example, entries like:

  1. \p{Gc: *} \p{General_Category: *}

mean that 'Gc' is a synonym for 'General_Category', and anything that is valid for the latter is also valid for the former. Similarly,

  1. \p{Is_*} \p{*}

means that if and only if, for example, \p{Foo} exists, then \p{Is_Foo} and \p{IsFoo} are also valid and all mean the same thing. And similarly, \p{Foo=Bar} means the same as \p{Is_Foo=Bar} and \p{IsFoo=Bar}. '*' here is restricted to something not beginning with an underscore.

Also, in binary properties, 'Yes', 'T', and 'True' are all synonyms for 'Y'. And 'No', 'F', and 'False' are all synonyms for 'N'. The table shows 'Y*' and 'N*' to indicate this, and doesn't have separate entries for the other possibilities. Note that not all properties which have values 'Yes' and 'No' are binary, and they have all their values spelled out without using this wild card, and a NOT clause in their description that highlights their not being binary. These also require the compound form to match them, whereas true binary properties have both single and compound forms available.

Note that all non-essential underscores are removed in the display of the short names below.

Summary legend:

  • * is a wild-card
  • (\d+) in the info column gives the number of code points matched by this property.
  • D means this is deprecated.
  • O means this is obsolete.
  • S means this is stabilized.
  • T means tighter (stricter) name matching applies.
  • X means use of this form is discouraged.
  2. X \p{Aegean_Numbers} \p{Block=Aegean_Numbers} (64)
  3. T \p{Age: 1.1} Code point's usage introduced in version
  4. 1.1 (33_979)
  5. T \p{Age: 2.0} Code point's usage was introduced in
  6. version 2.0; See also Property
  7. 'Present_In' (144_521)
  8. T \p{Age: 2.1} Code point's usage was introduced in
  9. version 2.1; See also Property
  10. 'Present_In' (2)
  11. T \p{Age: 3.0} Code point's usage was introduced in
  12. version 3.0; See also Property
  13. 'Present_In' (10_307)
  14. T \p{Age: 3.1} Code point's usage was introduced in
  15. version 3.1; See also Property
  16. 'Present_In' (44_978)
  17. T \p{Age: 3.2} Code point's usage was introduced in
  18. version 3.2; See also Property
  19. 'Present_In' (1016)
  20. T \p{Age: 4.0} Code point's usage was introduced in
  21. version 4.0; See also Property
  22. 'Present_In' (1226)
  23. T \p{Age: 4.1} Code point's usage was introduced in
  24. version 4.1; See also Property
  25. 'Present_In' (1273)
  26. T \p{Age: 5.0} Code point's usage was introduced in
  27. version 5.0; See also Property
  28. 'Present_In' (1369)
  29. T \p{Age: 5.1} Code point's usage was introduced in
  30. version 5.1; See also Property
  31. 'Present_In' (1624)
  32. T \p{Age: 5.2} Code point's usage was introduced in
  33. version 5.2; See also Property
  34. 'Present_In' (6648)
  35. \p{Age: Unassigned} Code point's usage has not been assigned
  36. in any Unicode release thus far.
  37. (867_169)
  38. \p{AHex} \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit} (= \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit=
  39. Y}) (22)
  40. \p{AHex: *} \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: *}
  41. \p{All} \p{Any} (1_114_112)
  42. \p{Alnum} Alphabetic and (Decimal) Numeric (100_931)
  43. \p{Alpha} \p{Alphabetic=Y} (100_520)
  44. \p{Alpha: *} \p{Alphabetic: *}
  45. \p{Alphabetic} \p{Alpha} (= \p{Alphabetic=Y}) (100_520)
  46. \p{Alphabetic: N*} (Short: \p{Alpha=N}, \P{Alpha}) (1_013_592)
  47. \p{Alphabetic: Y*} (Short: \p{Alpha=Y}, \p{Alpha}) (100_520)
  48. X \p{Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} \p{Block=
  49. Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} (80)
  50. X \p{Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} \p{Block=
  51. Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} (80)
  52. X \p{Ancient_Greek_Numbers} \p{Block=Ancient_Greek_Numbers} (80)
  53. X \p{Ancient_Symbols} \p{Block=Ancient_Symbols} (64)
  54. \p{Any} [\x{0000}-\x{10FFFF}] (1_114_112)
  55. \p{Arab} \p{Arabic} (= \p{Script=Arabic}) (NOT
  56. \p{Block=Arabic}) (1030)
  57. \p{Arabic} \p{Script=Arabic} (Short: \p{Arab}; NOT
  58. \p{Block=Arabic}) (1030)
  59. X \p{Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} \p{Block=
  60. Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} (688)
  61. X \p{Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} \p{Block=
  62. Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} (144)
  63. X \p{Arabic_Supplement} \p{Block=Arabic_Supplement} (48)
  64. \p{Armenian} \p{Script=Armenian} (Short: \p{Armn}; NOT
  65. \p{Block=Armenian}) (90)
  66. \p{Armi} \p{Imperial_Aramaic} (= \p{Script=
  67. Imperial_Aramaic}) (NOT \p{Block=
  68. Imperial_Aramaic}) (31)
  69. \p{Armn} \p{Armenian} (= \p{Script=Armenian}) (NOT
  70. \p{Block=Armenian}) (90)
  71. X \p{Arrows} \p{Block=Arrows} (112)
  72. \p{ASCII} \p{Block=Basic_Latin} [[:ASCII:]] (128)
  73. \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit} \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit=Y} (Short: \p{AHex})
  74. (22)
  75. \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: N*} (Short: \p{AHex=N}, \P{AHex}) (1_114_090)
  76. \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: Y*} (Short: \p{AHex=Y}, \p{AHex}) (22)
  77. \p{Assigned} All assigned code points (246_877)
  78. \p{Avestan} \p{Script=Avestan} (Short: \p{Avst}; NOT
  79. \p{Block=Avestan}) (61)
  80. \p{Avst} \p{Avestan} (= \p{Script=Avestan}) (NOT
  81. \p{Block=Avestan}) (61)
  82. \p{Bali} \p{Balinese} (= \p{Script=Balinese}) (NOT
  83. \p{Block=Balinese}) (121)
  84. \p{Balinese} \p{Script=Balinese} (Short: \p{Bali}; NOT
  85. \p{Block=Balinese}) (121)
  86. \p{Bamu} \p{Bamum} (= \p{Script=Bamum}) (NOT
  87. \p{Block=Bamum}) (88)
  88. \p{Bamum} \p{Script=Bamum} (Short: \p{Bamu}; NOT
  89. \p{Block=Bamum}) (88)
  90. X \p{Basic_Latin} \p{ASCII} (= \p{Block=Basic_Latin}) (128)
  91. \p{Bc: *} \p{Bidi_Class: *}
  92. \p{Beng} \p{Bengali} (= \p{Script=Bengali}) (NOT
  93. \p{Block=Bengali}) (92)
  94. \p{Bengali} \p{Script=Bengali} (Short: \p{Beng}; NOT
  95. \p{Block=Bengali}) (92)
  96. \p{Bidi_C} \p{Bidi_Control} (= \p{Bidi_Control=Y}) (7)
  97. \p{Bidi_C: *} \p{Bidi_Control: *}
  98. \p{Bidi_Class: AL} \p{Bidi_Class=Arabic_Letter} (1116)
  99. \p{Bidi_Class: AN} \p{Bidi_Class=Arabic_Number} (48)
  100. \p{Bidi_Class: Arabic_Letter} (Short: \p{Bc=AL}) (1116)
  101. \p{Bidi_Class: Arabic_Number} (Short: \p{Bc=AN}) (48)
  102. \p{Bidi_Class: B} \p{Bidi_Class=Paragraph_Separator} (7)
  103. \p{Bidi_Class: BN} \p{Bidi_Class=Boundary_Neutral} (4016)
  104. \p{Bidi_Class: Boundary_Neutral} (Short: \p{Bc=BN}) (4016)
  105. \p{Bidi_Class: Common_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=CS}) (15)
  106. \p{Bidi_Class: CS} \p{Bidi_Class=Common_Separator} (15)
  107. \p{Bidi_Class: EN} \p{Bidi_Class=European_Number} (131)
  108. \p{Bidi_Class: ES} \p{Bidi_Class=European_Separator} (12)
  109. \p{Bidi_Class: ET} \p{Bidi_Class=European_Terminator} (63)
  110. \p{Bidi_Class: European_Number} (Short: \p{Bc=EN}) (131)
  111. \p{Bidi_Class: European_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=ES}) (12)
  112. \p{Bidi_Class: European_Terminator} (Short: \p{Bc=ET}) (63)
  113. \p{Bidi_Class: L} \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right} (1_099_541)
  114. \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right} (Short: \p{Bc=L}) (1_099_541)
  115. \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right_Embedding} (Short: \p{Bc=LRE}) (1)
  116. \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right_Override} (Short: \p{Bc=LRO}) (1)
  117. \p{Bidi_Class: LRE} \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right_Embedding} (1)
  118. \p{Bidi_Class: LRO} \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right_Override} (1)
  119. \p{Bidi_Class: Nonspacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Bc=NSM}) (1173)
  120. \p{Bidi_Class: NSM} \p{Bidi_Class=Nonspacing_Mark} (1173)
  121. \p{Bidi_Class: ON} \p{Bidi_Class=Other_Neutral} (3523)
  122. \p{Bidi_Class: Other_Neutral} (Short: \p{Bc=ON}) (3523)
  123. \p{Bidi_Class: Paragraph_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=B}) (7)
  124. \p{Bidi_Class: PDF} \p{Bidi_Class=Pop_Directional_Format} (1)
  125. \p{Bidi_Class: Pop_Directional_Format} (Short: \p{Bc=PDF}) (1)
  126. \p{Bidi_Class: R} \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left} (4441)
  127. \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left} (Short: \p{Bc=R}) (4441)
  128. \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left_Embedding} (Short: \p{Bc=RLE}) (1)
  129. \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left_Override} (Short: \p{Bc=RLO}) (1)
  130. \p{Bidi_Class: RLE} \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left_Embedding} (1)
  131. \p{Bidi_Class: RLO} \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left_Override} (1)
  132. \p{Bidi_Class: S} \p{Bidi_Class=Segment_Separator} (3)
  133. \p{Bidi_Class: Segment_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=S}) (3)
  134. \p{Bidi_Class: White_Space} (Short: \p{Bc=WS}) (18)
  135. \p{Bidi_Class: WS} \p{Bidi_Class=White_Space} (18)
  136. \p{Bidi_Control} \p{Bidi_Control=Y} (Short: \p{BidiC}) (7)
  137. \p{Bidi_Control: N*} (Short: \p{BidiC=N}, \P{BidiC}) (1_114_105)
  138. \p{Bidi_Control: Y*} (Short: \p{BidiC=Y}, \p{BidiC}) (7)
  139. \p{Bidi_M} \p{Bidi_Mirrored} (= \p{Bidi_Mirrored=Y})
  140. (543)
  141. \p{Bidi_M: *} \p{Bidi_Mirrored: *}
  142. \p{Bidi_Mirrored} \p{Bidi_Mirrored=Y} (Short: \p{BidiM})
  143. (543)
  144. \p{Bidi_Mirrored: N*} (Short: \p{BidiM=N}, \P{BidiM}) (1_113_569)
  145. \p{Bidi_Mirrored: Y*} (Short: \p{BidiM=Y}, \p{BidiM}) (543)
  146. \p{Blank} \h, Horizontal white space (19)
  147. \p{Blk: *} \p{Block: *}
  148. \p{Block: Aegean_Numbers} (Single: \p{InAegeanNumbers}) (64)
  149. \p{Block: Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} (Single:
  150. \p{InAlphabeticPresentationForms}) (80)
  151. \p{Block: Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} (Single:
  152. \p{InAncientGreekMusicalNotation}) (80)
  153. \p{Block: Ancient_Greek_Numbers} (Single:
  154. \p{InAncientGreekNumbers}) (80)
  155. \p{Block: Ancient_Symbols} (Single: \p{InAncientSymbols}) (64)
  156. \p{Block: Arabic} (Single: \p{InArabic}; NOT \p{Arabic} NOR
  157. \p{Is_Arabic}) (256)
  158. \p{Block: Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} (Single:
  159. \p{InArabicPresentationFormsA}) (688)
  160. \p{Block: Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} (Single:
  161. \p{InArabicPresentationFormsB}) (144)
  162. \p{Block: Arabic_Supplement} (Single: \p{InArabicSupplement}) (48)
  163. \p{Block: Armenian} (Single: \p{InArmenian}; NOT \p{Armenian}
  164. NOR \p{Is_Armenian}) (96)
  165. \p{Block: Arrows} (Single: \p{InArrows}) (112)
  166. \p{Block: ASCII} \p{Block=Basic_Latin} (128)
  167. \p{Block: Avestan} (Single: \p{InAvestan}; NOT \p{Avestan}
  168. NOR \p{Is_Avestan}) (64)
  169. \p{Block: Balinese} (Single: \p{InBalinese}; NOT \p{Balinese}
  170. NOR \p{Is_Balinese}) (128)
  171. \p{Block: Bamum} (Single: \p{InBamum}; NOT \p{Bamum} NOR
  172. \p{Is_Bamum}) (96)
  173. \p{Block: Basic_Latin} (Short: \p{Blk=ASCII}, \p{ASCII}) (128)
  174. \p{Block: Bengali} (Single: \p{InBengali}; NOT \p{Bengali}
  175. NOR \p{Is_Bengali}) (128)
  176. \p{Block: Block_Elements} (Single: \p{InBlockElements}) (32)
  177. \p{Block: Bopomofo} (Single: \p{InBopomofo}; NOT \p{Bopomofo}
  178. NOR \p{Is_Bopomofo}) (48)
  179. \p{Block: Bopomofo_Extended} (Single: \p{InBopomofoExtended}) (32)
  180. \p{Block: Box_Drawing} (Single: \p{InBoxDrawing}) (128)
  181. \p{Block: Braille_Patterns} (Single: \p{InBraillePatterns}) (256)
  182. \p{Block: Buginese} (Single: \p{InBuginese}; NOT \p{Buginese}
  183. NOR \p{Is_Buginese}) (32)
  184. \p{Block: Buhid} (Single: \p{InBuhid}; NOT \p{Buhid} NOR
  185. \p{Is_Buhid}) (32)
  186. \p{Block: Byzantine_Musical_Symbols} (Single:
  187. \p{InByzantineMusicalSymbols}) (256)
  188. \p{Block: Canadian_Syllabics} \p{Block=
  189. Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics}
  190. (640)
  191. \p{Block: Carian} (Single: \p{InCarian}; NOT \p{Carian} NOR
  192. \p{Is_Carian}) (64)
  193. \p{Block: Cham} (Single: \p{InCham}; NOT \p{Cham} NOR
  194. \p{Is_Cham}) (96)
  195. \p{Block: Cherokee} (Single: \p{InCherokee}; NOT \p{Cherokee}
  196. NOR \p{Is_Cherokee}) (96)
  197. \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility} (Single: \p{InCJKCompatibility}) (256)
  198. \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Forms} (Single:
  199. \p{InCJKCompatibilityForms}) (32)
  200. \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} (Single:
  201. \p{InCJKCompatibilityIdeographs}) (512)
  202. \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement} (Single:
  203. \p{InCJKCompatibilityIdeographs-
  204. Supplement}) (544)
  205. \p{Block: CJK_Radicals_Supplement} (Single:
  206. \p{InCJKRadicalsSupplement}) (128)
  207. \p{Block: CJK_Strokes} (Single: \p{InCJKStrokes}) (48)
  208. \p{Block: CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} (Single:
  209. \p{InCJKSymbolsAndPunctuation}) (64)
  210. \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs} (Single:
  211. \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographs}) (20_992)
  212. \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A} (Single:
  213. \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA})
  214. (6592)
  215. \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B} (Single:
  216. \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB})
  217. (42_720)
  218. \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C} (Single:
  219. \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionC})
  220. (4160)
  221. \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks} (Single:
  222. \p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}) (112)
  223. \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=
  224. CombiningMarksForSymbols},
  225. \p{InCombiningMarksForSymbols}) (48)
  226. \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement} (Single:
  227. \p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks-
  228. Supplement}) (64)
  229. \p{Block: Combining_Half_Marks} (Single: \p{InCombiningHalfMarks})
  230. (16)
  231. \p{Block: Combining_Marks_For_Symbols} \p{Block=
  232. Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols}
  233. (48)
  234. \p{Block: Common_Indic_Number_Forms} (Single:
  235. \p{InCommonIndicNumberForms}) (16)
  236. \p{Block: Control_Pictures} (Single: \p{InControlPictures}) (64)
  237. \p{Block: Coptic} (Single: \p{InCoptic}; NOT \p{Coptic} NOR
  238. \p{Is_Coptic}) (128)
  239. \p{Block: Counting_Rod_Numerals} (Single:
  240. \p{InCountingRodNumerals}) (32)
  241. \p{Block: Cuneiform} (Single: \p{InCuneiform}; NOT
  242. \p{Cuneiform} NOR \p{Is_Cuneiform})
  243. (1024)
  244. \p{Block: Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} (Single:
  245. \p{InCuneiformNumbersAndPunctuation})
  246. (128)
  247. \p{Block: Currency_Symbols} (Single: \p{InCurrencySymbols}) (48)
  248. \p{Block: Cypriot_Syllabary} (Single: \p{InCypriotSyllabary}) (64)
  249. \p{Block: Cyrillic} (Single: \p{InCyrillic}; NOT \p{Cyrillic}
  250. NOR \p{Is_Cyrillic}) (256)
  251. \p{Block: Cyrillic_Extended_A} (Single: \p{InCyrillicExtendedA})
  252. (32)
  253. \p{Block: Cyrillic_Extended_B} (Single: \p{InCyrillicExtendedB})
  254. (96)
  255. \p{Block: Cyrillic_Supplement} (Single: \p{InCyrillicSupplement})
  256. (48)
  257. \p{Block: Cyrillic_Supplementary} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Supplement}
  258. (48)
  259. \p{Block: Deseret} (Single: \p{InDeseret}) (80)
  260. \p{Block: Devanagari} (Single: \p{InDevanagari}; NOT
  261. \p{Devanagari} NOR \p{Is_Devanagari})
  262. (128)
  263. \p{Block: Devanagari_Extended} (Single: \p{InDevanagariExtended})
  264. (32)
  265. \p{Block: Dingbats} (Single: \p{InDingbats}) (192)
  266. \p{Block: Domino_Tiles} (Single: \p{InDominoTiles}) (112)
  267. \p{Block: Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Single:
  268. \p{InEgyptianHieroglyphs}; NOT
  269. \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} NOR
  270. \p{Is_Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1072)
  271. \p{Block: Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} (Single:
  272. \p{InEnclosedAlphanumericSupplement})
  273. (256)
  274. \p{Block: Enclosed_Alphanumerics} (Single:
  275. \p{InEnclosedAlphanumerics}) (160)
  276. \p{Block: Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} (Single:
  277. \p{InEnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths}) (256)
  278. \p{Block: Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} (Single:
  279. \p{InEnclosedIdeographicSupplement})
  280. (256)
  281. \p{Block: Ethiopic} (Single: \p{InEthiopic}; NOT \p{Ethiopic}
  282. NOR \p{Is_Ethiopic}) (384)
  283. \p{Block: Ethiopic_Extended} (Single: \p{InEthiopicExtended}) (96)
  284. \p{Block: Ethiopic_Supplement} (Single: \p{InEthiopicSupplement})
  285. (32)
  286. \p{Block: General_Punctuation} (Single: \p{InGeneralPunctuation})
  287. (112)
  288. \p{Block: Geometric_Shapes} (Single: \p{InGeometricShapes}) (96)
  289. \p{Block: Georgian} (Single: \p{InGeorgian}; NOT \p{Georgian}
  290. NOR \p{Is_Georgian}) (96)
  291. \p{Block: Georgian_Supplement} (Single: \p{InGeorgianSupplement})
  292. (48)
  293. \p{Block: Glagolitic} (Single: \p{InGlagolitic}; NOT
  294. \p{Glagolitic} NOR \p{Is_Glagolitic})
  295. (96)
  296. \p{Block: Gothic} (Single: \p{InGothic}; NOT \p{Gothic} NOR
  297. \p{Is_Gothic}) (32)
  298. \p{Block: Greek} \p{Block=Greek_And_Coptic} (NOT \p{Greek}
  299. NOR \p{Is_Greek}) (144)
  300. \p{Block: Greek_And_Coptic} (Short: \p{Blk=Greek}, \p{InGreek};
  301. NOT \p{Greek} NOR \p{Is_Greek}) (144)
  302. \p{Block: Greek_Extended} (Single: \p{InGreekExtended}) (256)
  303. \p{Block: Gujarati} (Single: \p{InGujarati}; NOT \p{Gujarati}
  304. NOR \p{Is_Gujarati}) (128)
  305. \p{Block: Gurmukhi} (Single: \p{InGurmukhi}; NOT \p{Gurmukhi}
  306. NOR \p{Is_Gurmukhi}) (128)
  307. \p{Block: Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} (Single:
  308. \p{InHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms}) (240)
  309. \p{Block: Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo} (Single:
  310. \p{InHangulCompatibilityJamo}) (96)
  311. \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo} (Single: \p{InHangulJamo}) (256)
  312. \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} (Single:
  313. \p{InHangulJamoExtendedA}) (32)
  314. \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} (Single:
  315. \p{InHangulJamoExtendedB}) (80)
  316. \p{Block: Hangul_Syllables} (Single: \p{InHangulSyllables})
  317. (11_184)
  318. \p{Block: Hanunoo} (Single: \p{InHanunoo}; NOT \p{Hanunoo}
  319. NOR \p{Is_Hanunoo}) (32)
  320. \p{Block: Hebrew} (Single: \p{InHebrew}; NOT \p{Hebrew} NOR
  321. \p{Is_Hebrew}) (112)
  322. \p{Block: High_Private_Use_Surrogates} (Single:
  323. \p{InHighPrivateUseSurrogates}) (128)
  324. \p{Block: High_Surrogates} (Single: \p{InHighSurrogates}) (896)
  325. \p{Block: Hiragana} (Single: \p{InHiragana}; NOT \p{Hiragana}
  326. NOR \p{Is_Hiragana}) (96)
  327. \p{Block: Ideographic_Description_Characters} (Single:
  328. \p{InIdeographicDescriptionCharacters})
  329. (16)
  330. \p{Block: Imperial_Aramaic} (Single: \p{InImperialAramaic}; NOT
  331. \p{Imperial_Aramaic} NOR
  332. \p{Is_Imperial_Aramaic}) (32)
  333. \p{Block: Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Single:
  334. \p{InInscriptionalPahlavi}; NOT
  335. \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} NOR
  336. \p{Is_Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (32)
  337. \p{Block: Inscriptional_Parthian} (Single:
  338. \p{InInscriptionalParthian}; NOT
  339. \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} NOR
  340. \p{Is_Inscriptional_Parthian}) (32)
  341. \p{Block: IPA_Extensions} (Single: \p{InIPAExtensions}) (96)
  342. \p{Block: Javanese} (Single: \p{InJavanese}; NOT \p{Javanese}
  343. NOR \p{Is_Javanese}) (96)
  344. \p{Block: Kaithi} (Single: \p{InKaithi}; NOT \p{Kaithi} NOR
  345. \p{Is_Kaithi}) (80)
  346. \p{Block: Kanbun} (Single: \p{InKanbun}) (16)
  347. \p{Block: Kangxi_Radicals} (Single: \p{InKangxiRadicals}) (224)
  348. \p{Block: Kannada} (Single: \p{InKannada}; NOT \p{Kannada}
  349. NOR \p{Is_Kannada}) (128)
  350. \p{Block: Katakana} (Single: \p{InKatakana}; NOT \p{Katakana}
  351. NOR \p{Is_Katakana}) (96)
  352. \p{Block: Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} (Single:
  353. \p{InKatakanaPhoneticExtensions}) (16)
  354. \p{Block: Kayah_Li} (Single: \p{InKayahLi}) (48)
  355. \p{Block: Kharoshthi} (Single: \p{InKharoshthi}; NOT
  356. \p{Kharoshthi} NOR \p{Is_Kharoshthi})
  357. (96)
  358. \p{Block: Khmer} (Single: \p{InKhmer}; NOT \p{Khmer} NOR
  359. \p{Is_Khmer}) (128)
  360. \p{Block: Khmer_Symbols} (Single: \p{InKhmerSymbols}) (32)
  361. \p{Block: Lao} (Single: \p{InLao}; NOT \p{Lao} NOR
  362. \p{Is_Lao}) (128)
  363. \p{Block: Latin_1} \p{Block=Latin_1_Supplement} (128)
  364. \p{Block: Latin_1_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=Latin1},
  365. \p{InLatin1}) (128)
  366. \p{Block: Latin_Extended_A} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedA}) (128)
  367. \p{Block: Latin_Extended_Additional} (Single:
  368. \p{InLatinExtendedAdditional}) (256)
  369. \p{Block: Latin_Extended_B} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedB}) (208)
  370. \p{Block: Latin_Extended_C} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedC}) (32)
  371. \p{Block: Latin_Extended_D} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedD}) (224)
  372. \p{Block: Lepcha} (Single: \p{InLepcha}; NOT \p{Lepcha} NOR
  373. \p{Is_Lepcha}) (80)
  374. \p{Block: Letterlike_Symbols} (Single: \p{InLetterlikeSymbols})
  375. (80)
  376. \p{Block: Limbu} (Single: \p{InLimbu}; NOT \p{Limbu} NOR
  377. \p{Is_Limbu}) (80)
  378. \p{Block: Linear_B_Ideograms} (Single: \p{InLinearBIdeograms})
  379. (128)
  380. \p{Block: Linear_B_Syllabary} (Single: \p{InLinearBSyllabary})
  381. (128)
  382. \p{Block: Lisu} (Single: \p{InLisu}) (48)
  383. \p{Block: Low_Surrogates} (Single: \p{InLowSurrogates}) (1024)
  384. \p{Block: Lycian} (Single: \p{InLycian}; NOT \p{Lycian} NOR
  385. \p{Is_Lycian}) (32)
  386. \p{Block: Lydian} (Single: \p{InLydian}; NOT \p{Lydian} NOR
  387. \p{Is_Lydian}) (32)
  388. \p{Block: Mahjong_Tiles} (Single: \p{InMahjongTiles}) (48)
  389. \p{Block: Malayalam} (Single: \p{InMalayalam}; NOT
  390. \p{Malayalam} NOR \p{Is_Malayalam}) (128)
  391. \p{Block: Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} (Single:
  392. \p{InMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols})
  393. (1024)
  394. \p{Block: Mathematical_Operators} (Single:
  395. \p{InMathematicalOperators}) (256)
  396. \p{Block: Meetei_Mayek} (Single: \p{InMeeteiMayek}; NOT
  397. \p{Meetei_Mayek} NOR
  398. \p{Is_Meetei_Mayek}) (64)
  399. \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A} (Single:
  400. \p{InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA})
  401. (48)
  402. \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B} (Single:
  403. \p{InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB})
  404. (128)
  405. \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Symbols} (Single:
  406. \p{InMiscellaneousSymbols}) (256)
  407. \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} (Single:
  408. \p{InMiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows})
  409. (256)
  410. \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Technical} (Single:
  411. \p{InMiscellaneousTechnical}) (256)
  412. \p{Block: Modifier_Tone_Letters} (Single:
  413. \p{InModifierToneLetters}) (32)
  414. \p{Block: Mongolian} (Single: \p{InMongolian}; NOT
  415. \p{Mongolian} NOR \p{Is_Mongolian}) (176)
  416. \p{Block: Musical_Symbols} (Single: \p{InMusicalSymbols}) (256)
  417. \p{Block: Myanmar} (Single: \p{InMyanmar}; NOT \p{Myanmar}
  418. NOR \p{Is_Myanmar}) (160)
  419. \p{Block: Myanmar_Extended_A} (Single: \p{InMyanmarExtendedA}) (32)
  420. \p{Block: New_Tai_Lue} (Single: \p{InNewTaiLue}; NOT
  421. \p{New_Tai_Lue} NOR \p{Is_New_Tai_Lue})
  422. (96)
  423. \p{Block: NKo} (Single: \p{InNKo}; NOT \p{Nko} NOR
  424. \p{Is_NKo}) (64)
  425. \p{Block: No_Block} (Single: \p{InNoBlock}) (864_192)
  426. \p{Block: Number_Forms} (Single: \p{InNumberForms}) (64)
  427. \p{Block: Ogham} (Single: \p{InOgham}; NOT \p{Ogham} NOR
  428. \p{Is_Ogham}) (32)
  429. \p{Block: Ol_Chiki} (Single: \p{InOlChiki}) (48)
  430. \p{Block: Old_Italic} (Single: \p{InOldItalic}; NOT
  431. \p{Old_Italic} NOR \p{Is_Old_Italic})
  432. (48)
  433. \p{Block: Old_Persian} (Single: \p{InOldPersian}; NOT
  434. \p{Old_Persian} NOR \p{Is_Old_Persian})
  435. (64)
  436. \p{Block: Old_South_Arabian} (Single: \p{InOldSouthArabian}) (32)
  437. \p{Block: Old_Turkic} (Single: \p{InOldTurkic}; NOT
  438. \p{Old_Turkic} NOR \p{Is_Old_Turkic})
  439. (80)
  440. \p{Block: Optical_Character_Recognition} (Single:
  441. \p{InOpticalCharacterRecognition}) (32)
  442. \p{Block: Oriya} (Single: \p{InOriya}; NOT \p{Oriya} NOR
  443. \p{Is_Oriya}) (128)
  444. \p{Block: Osmanya} (Single: \p{InOsmanya}; NOT \p{Osmanya}
  445. NOR \p{Is_Osmanya}) (48)
  446. \p{Block: Phags_Pa} (Single: \p{InPhagsPa}; NOT \p{Phags_Pa}
  447. NOR \p{Is_Phags_Pa}) (64)
  448. \p{Block: Phaistos_Disc} (Single: \p{InPhaistosDisc}) (48)
  449. \p{Block: Phoenician} (Single: \p{InPhoenician}; NOT
  450. \p{Phoenician} NOR \p{Is_Phoenician})
  451. (32)
  452. \p{Block: Phonetic_Extensions} (Single: \p{InPhoneticExtensions})
  453. (128)
  454. \p{Block: Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} (Single:
  455. \p{InPhoneticExtensionsSupplement}) (64)
  456. \p{Block: Private_Use} \p{Block=Private_Use_Area} (NOT
  457. \p{Private_Use} NOR \p{Is_Private_Use})
  458. (6400)
  459. \p{Block: Private_Use_Area} (Short: \p{Blk=PrivateUse},
  460. \p{InPrivateUse}; NOT \p{Private_Use}
  461. NOR \p{Is_Private_Use}) (6400)
  462. \p{Block: Rejang} (Single: \p{InRejang}; NOT \p{Rejang} NOR
  463. \p{Is_Rejang}) (48)
  464. \p{Block: Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} (Single: \p{InRumiNumeralSymbols})
  465. (32)
  466. \p{Block: Runic} (Single: \p{InRunic}; NOT \p{Runic} NOR
  467. \p{Is_Runic}) (96)
  468. \p{Block: Samaritan} (Single: \p{InSamaritan}; NOT
  469. \p{Samaritan} NOR \p{Is_Samaritan}) (64)
  470. \p{Block: Saurashtra} (Single: \p{InSaurashtra}; NOT
  471. \p{Saurashtra} NOR \p{Is_Saurashtra})
  472. (96)
  473. \p{Block: Shavian} (Single: \p{InShavian}) (48)
  474. \p{Block: Sinhala} (Single: \p{InSinhala}; NOT \p{Sinhala}
  475. NOR \p{Is_Sinhala}) (128)
  476. \p{Block: Small_Form_Variants} (Single: \p{InSmallFormVariants})
  477. (32)
  478. \p{Block: Spacing_Modifier_Letters} (Single:
  479. \p{InSpacingModifierLetters}) (80)
  480. \p{Block: Specials} (Single: \p{InSpecials}) (16)
  481. \p{Block: Sundanese} (Single: \p{InSundanese}; NOT
  482. \p{Sundanese} NOR \p{Is_Sundanese}) (64)
  483. \p{Block: Superscripts_And_Subscripts} (Single:
  484. \p{InSuperscriptsAndSubscripts}) (48)
  485. \p{Block: Supplemental_Arrows_A} (Single:
  486. \p{InSupplementalArrowsA}) (16)
  487. \p{Block: Supplemental_Arrows_B} (Single:
  488. \p{InSupplementalArrowsB}) (128)
  489. \p{Block: Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators} (Single:
  490. \p{InSupplementalMathematicalOperators})
  491. (256)
  492. \p{Block: Supplemental_Punctuation} (Single:
  493. \p{InSupplementalPunctuation}) (128)
  494. \p{Block: Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A} (Single:
  495. \p{InSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA})
  496. (65_536)
  497. \p{Block: Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B} (Single:
  498. \p{InSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB})
  499. (65_536)
  500. \p{Block: Syloti_Nagri} (Single: \p{InSylotiNagri}; NOT
  501. \p{Syloti_Nagri} NOR
  502. \p{Is_Syloti_Nagri}) (48)
  503. \p{Block: Syriac} (Single: \p{InSyriac}; NOT \p{Syriac} NOR
  504. \p{Is_Syriac}) (80)
  505. \p{Block: Tagalog} (Single: \p{InTagalog}; NOT \p{Tagalog}
  506. NOR \p{Is_Tagalog}) (32)
  507. \p{Block: Tagbanwa} (Single: \p{InTagbanwa}; NOT \p{Tagbanwa}
  508. NOR \p{Is_Tagbanwa}) (32)
  509. \p{Block: Tags} (Single: \p{InTags}) (128)
  510. \p{Block: Tai_Le} (Single: \p{InTaiLe}; NOT \p{Tai_Le} NOR
  511. \p{Is_Tai_Le}) (48)
  512. \p{Block: Tai_Tham} (Single: \p{InTaiTham}; NOT \p{Tai_Tham}
  513. NOR \p{Is_Tai_Tham}) (144)
  514. \p{Block: Tai_Viet} (Single: \p{InTaiViet}; NOT \p{Tai_Viet}
  515. NOR \p{Is_Tai_Viet}) (96)
  516. \p{Block: Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} (Single:
  517. \p{InTaiXuanJingSymbols}) (96)
  518. \p{Block: Tamil} (Single: \p{InTamil}; NOT \p{Tamil} NOR
  519. \p{Is_Tamil}) (128)
  520. \p{Block: Telugu} (Single: \p{InTelugu}; NOT \p{Telugu} NOR
  521. \p{Is_Telugu}) (128)
  522. \p{Block: Thaana} (Single: \p{InThaana}; NOT \p{Thaana} NOR
  523. \p{Is_Thaana}) (64)
  524. \p{Block: Thai} (Single: \p{InThai}; NOT \p{Thai} NOR
  525. \p{Is_Thai}) (128)
  526. \p{Block: Tibetan} (Single: \p{InTibetan}; NOT \p{Tibetan}
  527. NOR \p{Is_Tibetan}) (256)
  528. \p{Block: Tifinagh} (Single: \p{InTifinagh}; NOT \p{Tifinagh}
  529. NOR \p{Is_Tifinagh}) (80)
  530. \p{Block: Ugaritic} (Single: \p{InUgaritic}; NOT \p{Ugaritic}
  531. NOR \p{Is_Ugaritic}) (32)
  532. \p{Block: Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics} (Short: \p{Blk=
  533. CanadianSyllabics},
  534. \p{InCanadianSyllabics}) (640)
  535. \p{Block: Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended} (Single:
  536. \p{InUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics-
  537. Extended}) (80)
  538. \p{Block: Vai} (Single: \p{InVai}; NOT \p{Vai} NOR
  539. \p{Is_Vai}) (320)
  540. \p{Block: Variation_Selectors} (Single: \p{InVariationSelectors})
  541. (16)
  542. \p{Block: Variation_Selectors_Supplement} (Single:
  543. \p{InVariationSelectorsSupplement}) (240)
  544. \p{Block: Vedic_Extensions} (Single: \p{InVedicExtensions}) (48)
  545. \p{Block: Vertical_Forms} (Single: \p{InVerticalForms}) (16)
  546. \p{Block: Yi_Radicals} (Single: \p{InYiRadicals}) (64)
  547. \p{Block: Yi_Syllables} (Single: \p{InYiSyllables}) (1168)
  548. \p{Block: Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} (Single:
  549. \p{InYijingHexagramSymbols}) (64)
  550. X \p{Block_Elements} \p{Block=Block_Elements} (32)
  551. \p{Bopo} \p{Bopomofo} (= \p{Script=Bopomofo}) (NOT
  552. \p{Block=Bopomofo}) (65)
  553. \p{Bopomofo} \p{Script=Bopomofo} (Short: \p{Bopo}; NOT
  554. \p{Block=Bopomofo}) (65)
  555. X \p{Bopomofo_Extended} \p{Block=Bopomofo_Extended} (32)
  556. X \p{Box_Drawing} \p{Block=Box_Drawing} (128)
  557. \p{Brai} \p{Braille} (= \p{Script=Braille}) (256)
  558. \p{Braille} \p{Script=Braille} (Short: \p{Brai}) (256)
  559. X \p{Braille_Patterns} \p{Block=Braille_Patterns} (256)
  560. \p{Bugi} \p{Buginese} (= \p{Script=Buginese}) (NOT
  561. \p{Block=Buginese}) (30)
  562. \p{Buginese} \p{Script=Buginese} (Short: \p{Bugi}; NOT
  563. \p{Block=Buginese}) (30)
  564. \p{Buhd} \p{Buhid} (= \p{Script=Buhid}) (NOT
  565. \p{Block=Buhid}) (20)
  566. \p{Buhid} \p{Script=Buhid} (Short: \p{Buhd}; NOT
  567. \p{Block=Buhid}) (20)
  568. X \p{Byzantine_Musical_Symbols} \p{Block=Byzantine_Musical_Symbols}
  569. (256)
  570. \p{C} \p{Other} (= \p{General_Category=Other})
  571. (1_006_956)
  572. \p{Canadian_Aboriginal} \p{Script=Canadian_Aboriginal} (Short:
  573. \p{Cans}) (710)
  574. X \p{Canadian_Syllabics} \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics}
  575. (= \p{Block=
  576. Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics})
  577. (640)
  578. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 0} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  579. Not_Reordered} (1_113_518)
  580. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 1} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  581. Overlay} (26)
  582. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 7} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  583. Nukta} (11)
  584. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 8} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  585. Kana_Voicing} (2)
  586. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 9} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  587. Virama} (27)
  588. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 10} (Short: \p{Ccc=10}) (1)
  589. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 11} (Short: \p{Ccc=11}) (1)
  590. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 12} (Short: \p{Ccc=12}) (1)
  591. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 13} (Short: \p{Ccc=13}) (1)
  592. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 14} (Short: \p{Ccc=14}) (1)
  593. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 15} (Short: \p{Ccc=15}) (1)
  594. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 16} (Short: \p{Ccc=16}) (1)
  595. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 17} (Short: \p{Ccc=17}) (1)
  596. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 18} (Short: \p{Ccc=18}) (2)
  597. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 19} (Short: \p{Ccc=19}) (2)
  598. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 20} (Short: \p{Ccc=20}) (1)
  599. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 21} (Short: \p{Ccc=21}) (1)
  600. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 22} (Short: \p{Ccc=22}) (1)
  601. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 23} (Short: \p{Ccc=23}) (1)
  602. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 24} (Short: \p{Ccc=24}) (1)
  603. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 25} (Short: \p{Ccc=25}) (1)
  604. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 26} (Short: \p{Ccc=26}) (1)
  605. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 27} (Short: \p{Ccc=27}) (1)
  606. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 28} (Short: \p{Ccc=28}) (1)
  607. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 29} (Short: \p{Ccc=29}) (1)
  608. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 30} (Short: \p{Ccc=30}) (2)
  609. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 31} (Short: \p{Ccc=31}) (2)
  610. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 32} (Short: \p{Ccc=32}) (2)
  611. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 33} (Short: \p{Ccc=33}) (1)
  612. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 34} (Short: \p{Ccc=34}) (1)
  613. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 35} (Short: \p{Ccc=35}) (1)
  614. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 36} (Short: \p{Ccc=36}) (1)
  615. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 84} (Short: \p{Ccc=84}) (1)
  616. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 91} (Short: \p{Ccc=91}) (1)
  617. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 103} (Short: \p{Ccc=103}) (2)
  618. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 107} (Short: \p{Ccc=107}) (4)
  619. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 118} (Short: \p{Ccc=118}) (2)
  620. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 122} (Short: \p{Ccc=122}) (4)
  621. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 129} (Short: \p{Ccc=129}) (1)
  622. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 130} (Short: \p{Ccc=130}) (6)
  623. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 132} (Short: \p{Ccc=132}) (1)
  624. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 200} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  625. Attached_Below_Left} (0)
  626. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 202} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  627. Attached_Below} (5)
  628. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 214} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  629. Attached_Above} (1)
  630. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 216} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  631. Attached_Above_Right} (9)
  632. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 218} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  633. Below_Left} (1)
  634. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 220} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  635. Below} (117)
  636. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 222} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  637. Below_Right} (4)
  638. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 224} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  639. Left} (2)
  640. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 226} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  641. Right} (1)
  642. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 228} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  643. Above_Left} (3)
  644. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 230} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  645. Above} (318)
  646. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 232} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  647. Above_Right} (4)
  648. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 233} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  649. Double_Below} (3)
  650. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 234} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  651. Double_Above} (5)
  652. T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 240} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  653. Iota_Subscript} (1)
  654. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: A} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  655. Above} (318)
  656. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=A}) (318)
  657. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=AL}) (3)
  658. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above_Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=AR}) (4)
  659. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: AL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  660. Above_Left} (3)
  661. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: AR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  662. Above_Right} (4)
  663. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATA} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  664. Attached_Above} (1)
  665. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATAR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  666. Attached_Above_Right} (9)
  667. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATB} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  668. Attached_Below} (5)
  669. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATBL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  670. Attached_Below_Left} (0)
  671. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=ATA})
  672. (1)
  673. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Above_Right} (Short:
  674. \p{Ccc=ATAR}) (9)
  675. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=ATB})
  676. (5)
  677. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Below_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=
  678. ATBL}) (0)
  679. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: B} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  680. Below} (117)
  681. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=B}) (117)
  682. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=BL}) (1)
  683. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below_Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=BR}) (4)
  684. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: BL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  685. Below_Left} (1)
  686. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: BR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  687. Below_Right} (4)
  688. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: DA} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  689. Double_Above} (5)
  690. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: DB} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  691. Double_Below} (3)
  692. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Double_Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=DA}) (5)
  693. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Double_Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=DB}) (3)
  694. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Iota_Subscript} (Short: \p{Ccc=IS})
  695. (1)
  696. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: IS} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  697. Iota_Subscript} (1)
  698. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Kana_Voicing} (Short: \p{Ccc=KV}) (2)
  699. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: KV} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  700. Kana_Voicing} (2)
  701. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: L} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  702. Left} (2)
  703. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=L}) (2)
  704. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: NK} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  705. Nukta} (11)
  706. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Not_Reordered} (Short: \p{Ccc=NR})
  707. (1_113_518)
  708. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: NR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  709. Not_Reordered} (1_113_518)
  710. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Nukta} (Short: \p{Ccc=NK}) (11)
  711. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: OV} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  712. Overlay} (26)
  713. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Overlay} (Short: \p{Ccc=OV}) (26)
  714. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: R} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  715. Right} (1)
  716. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=R}) (1)
  717. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Virama} (Short: \p{Ccc=VR}) (27)
  718. \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: VR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  719. Virama} (27)
  720. \p{Cans} \p{Canadian_Aboriginal} (= \p{Script=
  721. Canadian_Aboriginal}) (710)
  722. \p{Cari} \p{Carian} (= \p{Script=Carian}) (NOT
  723. \p{Block=Carian}) (49)
  724. \p{Carian} \p{Script=Carian} (Short: \p{Cari}; NOT
  725. \p{Block=Carian}) (49)
  726. \p{Case_Ignorable} \p{Case_Ignorable=Y} (Short: \p{CI}) (1632)
  727. \p{Case_Ignorable: N*} (Short: \p{CI=N}, \P{CI}) (1_112_480)
  728. \p{Case_Ignorable: Y*} (Short: \p{CI=Y}, \p{CI}) (1632)
  729. \p{Cased} \p{Cased=Y} (3408)
  730. \p{Cased: N*} (Single: \P{Cased}) (1_110_704)
  731. \p{Cased: Y*} (Single: \p{Cased}) (3408)
  732. \p{Cased_Letter} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (Short:
  733. \p{LC}) (3207)
  734. \p{Category: *} \p{General_Category: *}
  735. \p{Cc} \p{Cntrl} (= \p{General_Category=Control})
  736. (65)
  737. \p{Ccc: *} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: *}
  738. \p{CE} \p{Composition_Exclusion} (=
  739. \p{Composition_Exclusion=Y}) (81)
  740. \p{CE: *} \p{Composition_Exclusion: *}
  741. \p{Cf} \p{Format} (= \p{General_Category=Format})
  742. (140)
  743. \p{Cham} \p{Script=Cham} (NOT \p{Block=Cham}) (83)
  744. \p{Changes_When_Casefolded} \p{Changes_When_Casefolded=Y} (Short:
  745. \p{CWCF}) (1093)
  746. \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: N*} (Short: \p{CWCF=N}, \P{CWCF})
  747. (1_113_019)
  748. \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: Y*} (Short: \p{CWCF=Y}, \p{CWCF})
  749. (1093)
  750. \p{Changes_When_Casemapped} \p{Changes_When_Casemapped=Y} (Short:
  751. \p{CWCM}) (2110)
  752. \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: N*} (Short: \p{CWCM=N}, \P{CWCM})
  753. (1_112_002)
  754. \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: Y*} (Short: \p{CWCM=Y}, \p{CWCM})
  755. (2110)
  756. \p{Changes_When_Lowercased} \p{Changes_When_Lowercased=Y} (Short:
  757. \p{CWL}) (1029)
  758. \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: N*} (Short: \p{CWL=N}, \P{CWL})
  759. (1_113_083)
  760. \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWL=Y}, \p{CWL}) (1029)
  761. \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded} \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded=
  762. Y} (Short: \p{CWKCF}) (9740)
  763. \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: N*} (Short: \p{CWKCF=N},
  764. \P{CWKCF}) (1_104_372)
  765. \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: Y*} (Short: \p{CWKCF=Y},
  766. \p{CWKCF}) (9740)
  767. \p{Changes_When_Titlecased} \p{Changes_When_Titlecased=Y} (Short:
  768. \p{CWT}) (1085)
  769. \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: N*} (Short: \p{CWT=N}, \P{CWT})
  770. (1_113_027)
  771. \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWT=Y}, \p{CWT}) (1085)
  772. \p{Changes_When_Uppercased} \p{Changes_When_Uppercased=Y} (Short:
  773. \p{CWU}) (1112)
  774. \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: N*} (Short: \p{CWU=N}, \P{CWU})
  775. (1_113_000)
  776. \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWU=Y}, \p{CWU}) (1112)
  777. \p{Cher} \p{Cherokee} (= \p{Script=Cherokee}) (NOT
  778. \p{Block=Cherokee}) (85)
  779. \p{Cherokee} \p{Script=Cherokee} (Short: \p{Cher}; NOT
  780. \p{Block=Cherokee}) (85)
  781. \p{CI} \p{Case_Ignorable} (= \p{Case_Ignorable=
  782. Y}) (1632)
  783. \p{CI: *} \p{Case_Ignorable: *}
  784. X \p{CJK_Compatibility} \p{Block=CJK_Compatibility} (256)
  785. X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Forms} \p{Block=CJK_Compatibility_Forms} (32)
  786. X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} \p{Block=
  787. CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} (512)
  788. X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement} \p{Block=
  789. CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement}
  790. (544)
  791. X \p{CJK_Radicals_Supplement} \p{Block=CJK_Radicals_Supplement} (128)
  792. X \p{CJK_Strokes} \p{Block=CJK_Strokes} (48)
  793. X \p{CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} \p{Block=
  794. CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} (64)
  795. X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs} \p{Block=CJK_Unified_Ideographs}
  796. (20_992)
  797. X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A} \p{Block=
  798. CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A}
  799. (6592)
  800. X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B} \p{Block=
  801. CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B}
  802. (42_720)
  803. X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C} \p{Block=
  804. CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C}
  805. (4160)
  806. \p{Close_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation}
  807. (Short: \p{Pe}) (71)
  808. \p{Cn} \p{Unassigned} (= \p{General_Category=
  809. Unassigned}) (867_235)
  810. \p{Cntrl} \p{General_Category=Control} Control
  811. characters (Short: \p{Cc}) (65)
  812. \p{Co} \p{Private_Use} (= \p{General_Category=
  813. Private_Use}) (NOT \p{Private_Use_Area})
  814. (137_468)
  815. X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks} \p{Block=
  816. Combining_Diacritical_Marks} (112)
  817. X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols} \p{Block=
  818. Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols}
  819. (Short: \p{InCombiningMarksForSymbols})
  820. (48)
  821. X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement} \p{Block=
  822. Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement}
  823. (64)
  824. X \p{Combining_Half_Marks} \p{Block=Combining_Half_Marks} (16)
  825. X \p{Combining_Marks_For_Symbols}
  826. \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_-
  827. Symbols} (= \p{Block=
  828. Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_-
  829. Symbols}) (48)
  830. \p{Common} \p{Script=Common} (Short: \p{Zyyy}) (5395)
  831. X \p{Common_Indic_Number_Forms} \p{Block=Common_Indic_Number_Forms}
  832. (16)
  833. \p{Comp_Ex} \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion} (=
  834. \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion=Y}) (1118)
  835. \p{Comp_Ex: *} \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: *}
  836. \p{Composition_Exclusion} \p{Composition_Exclusion=Y} (Short:
  837. \p{CE}) (81)
  838. \p{Composition_Exclusion: N*} (Short: \p{CE=N}, \P{CE}) (1_114_031)
  839. \p{Composition_Exclusion: Y*} (Short: \p{CE=Y}, \p{CE}) (81)
  840. \p{Connector_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=
  841. Connector_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Pc})
  842. (10)
  843. \p{Control} \p{Cntrl} (= \p{General_Category=Control})
  844. (65)
  845. X \p{Control_Pictures} \p{Block=Control_Pictures} (64)
  846. \p{Copt} \p{Coptic} (= \p{Script=Coptic}) (NOT
  847. \p{Block=Coptic}) (135)
  848. \p{Coptic} \p{Script=Coptic} (Short: \p{Copt}; NOT
  849. \p{Block=Coptic}) (135)
  850. X \p{Counting_Rod_Numerals} \p{Block=Counting_Rod_Numerals} (32)
  851. \p{Cprt} \p{Cypriot} (= \p{Script=Cypriot}) (55)
  852. \p{Cs} \p{Surrogate} (= \p{General_Category=
  853. Surrogate}) (2048)
  854. \p{Cuneiform} \p{Script=Cuneiform} (Short: \p{Xsux}; NOT
  855. \p{Block=Cuneiform}) (982)
  856. X \p{Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} \p{Block=
  857. Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} (128)
  858. \p{Currency_Symbol} \p{General_Category=Currency_Symbol}
  859. (Short: \p{Sc}) (46)
  860. X \p{Currency_Symbols} \p{Block=Currency_Symbols} (48)
  861. \p{CWCF} \p{Changes_When_Casefolded} (=
  862. \p{Changes_When_Casefolded=Y}) (1093)
  863. \p{CWCF: *} \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: *}
  864. \p{CWCM} \p{Changes_When_Casemapped} (=
  865. \p{Changes_When_Casemapped=Y}) (2110)
  866. \p{CWCM: *} \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: *}
  867. \p{CWKCF} \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded} (=
  868. \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded=Y})
  869. (9740)
  870. \p{CWKCF: *} \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: *}
  871. \p{CWL} \p{Changes_When_Lowercased} (=
  872. \p{Changes_When_Lowercased=Y}) (1029)
  873. \p{CWL: *} \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: *}
  874. \p{CWT} \p{Changes_When_Titlecased} (=
  875. \p{Changes_When_Titlecased=Y}) (1085)
  876. \p{CWT: *} \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: *}
  877. \p{CWU} \p{Changes_When_Uppercased} (=
  878. \p{Changes_When_Uppercased=Y}) (1112)
  879. \p{CWU: *} \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: *}
  880. \p{Cypriot} \p{Script=Cypriot} (Short: \p{Cprt}) (55)
  881. X \p{Cypriot_Syllabary} \p{Block=Cypriot_Syllabary} (64)
  882. \p{Cyrillic} \p{Script=Cyrillic} (Short: \p{Cyrl}; NOT
  883. \p{Block=Cyrillic}) (404)
  884. X \p{Cyrillic_Extended_A} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Extended_A} (32)
  885. X \p{Cyrillic_Extended_B} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Extended_B} (96)
  886. X \p{Cyrillic_Supplement} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Supplement} (48)
  887. X \p{Cyrillic_Supplementary} \p{Cyrillic_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
  888. Cyrillic_Supplement}) (48)
  889. \p{Cyrl} \p{Cyrillic} (= \p{Script=Cyrillic}) (NOT
  890. \p{Block=Cyrillic}) (404)
  891. \p{Dash} \p{Dash=Y} (25)
  892. \p{Dash: N*} (Single: \P{Dash}) (1_114_087)
  893. \p{Dash: Y*} (Single: \p{Dash}) (25)
  894. \p{Dash_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation}
  895. (Short: \p{Pd}) (21)
  896. \p{Decimal_Number} \p{Digit} (= \p{General_Category=
  897. Decimal_Number}) (411)
  898. \p{Decomposition_Type: Can} \p{Decomposition_Type=Canonical}
  899. (13_221)
  900. \p{Decomposition_Type: Canonical} (Short: \p{Dt=Can}) (13_221)
  901. \p{Decomposition_Type: Circle} (Short: \p{Dt=Enc}) (238)
  902. \p{Decomposition_Type: Com} \p{Decomposition_Type=Compat} (720)
  903. \p{Decomposition_Type: Compat} (Short: \p{Dt=Com}) (720)
  904. \p{Decomposition_Type: Enc} \p{Decomposition_Type=Circle} (238)
  905. \p{Decomposition_Type: Fin} \p{Decomposition_Type=Final} (240)
  906. \p{Decomposition_Type: Final} (Short: \p{Dt=Fin}) (240)
  907. \p{Decomposition_Type: Font} (Short: \p{Dt=Font}) (1043)
  908. \p{Decomposition_Type: Fra} \p{Decomposition_Type=Fraction} (20)
  909. \p{Decomposition_Type: Fraction} (Short: \p{Dt=Fra}) (20)
  910. \p{Decomposition_Type: Init} \p{Decomposition_Type=Initial} (171)
  911. \p{Decomposition_Type: Initial} (Short: \p{Dt=Init}) (171)
  912. \p{Decomposition_Type: Iso} \p{Decomposition_Type=Isolated} (238)
  913. \p{Decomposition_Type: Isolated} (Short: \p{Dt=Iso}) (238)
  914. \p{Decomposition_Type: Med} \p{Decomposition_Type=Medial} (82)
  915. \p{Decomposition_Type: Medial} (Short: \p{Dt=Med}) (82)
  916. \p{Decomposition_Type: Nar} \p{Decomposition_Type=Narrow} (122)
  917. \p{Decomposition_Type: Narrow} (Short: \p{Dt=Nar}) (122)
  918. \p{Decomposition_Type: Nb} \p{Decomposition_Type=Nobreak} (5)
  919. \p{Decomposition_Type: Nobreak} (Short: \p{Dt=Nb}) (5)
  920. \p{Decomposition_Type: Non_Canon} \p{Decomposition_Type=
  921. Non_Canonical} (Perl extension) (3467)
  922. \p{Decomposition_Type: Non_Canonical} Union of all non-canonical
  923. decompositions (Short: \p{Dt=NonCanon})
  924. (Perl extension) (3467)
  925. \p{Decomposition_Type: None} (Short: \p{Dt=None}) (1_097_424)
  926. \p{Decomposition_Type: Small} (Short: \p{Dt=Sml}) (26)
  927. \p{Decomposition_Type: Sml} \p{Decomposition_Type=Small} (26)
  928. \p{Decomposition_Type: Sqr} \p{Decomposition_Type=Square} (251)
  929. \p{Decomposition_Type: Square} (Short: \p{Dt=Sqr}) (251)
  930. \p{Decomposition_Type: Sub} (Short: \p{Dt=Sub}) (30)
  931. \p{Decomposition_Type: Sup} \p{Decomposition_Type=Super} (142)
  932. \p{Decomposition_Type: Super} (Short: \p{Dt=Sup}) (142)
  933. \p{Decomposition_Type: Vert} \p{Decomposition_Type=Vertical} (35)
  934. \p{Decomposition_Type: Vertical} (Short: \p{Dt=Vert}) (35)
  935. \p{Decomposition_Type: Wide} (Short: \p{Dt=Wide}) (104)
  936. \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=
  937. Y} (Short: \p{DI}) (4167)
  938. \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: N*} (Short: \p{DI=N}, \P{DI})
  939. (1_109_945)
  940. \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: Y*} (Short: \p{DI=Y}, \p{DI})
  941. (4167)
  942. \p{Dep} \p{Deprecated} (= \p{Deprecated=Y}) (110)
  943. \p{Dep: *} \p{Deprecated: *}
  944. \p{Deprecated} \p{Deprecated=Y} (Short: \p{Dep}) (110)
  945. \p{Deprecated: N*} (Short: \p{Dep=N}, \P{Dep}) (1_114_002)
  946. \p{Deprecated: Y*} (Short: \p{Dep=Y}, \p{Dep}) (110)
  947. \p{Deseret} \p{Script=Deseret} (Short: \p{Dsrt}) (80)
  948. \p{Deva} \p{Devanagari} (= \p{Script=Devanagari})
  949. (NOT \p{Block=Devanagari}) (140)
  950. \p{Devanagari} \p{Script=Devanagari} (Short: \p{Deva};
  951. NOT \p{Block=Devanagari}) (140)
  952. X \p{Devanagari_Extended} \p{Block=Devanagari_Extended} (32)
  953. \p{DI} \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} (=
  954. \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=Y})
  955. (4167)
  956. \p{DI: *} \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: *}
  957. \p{Dia} \p{Diacritic} (= \p{Diacritic=Y}) (639)
  958. \p{Dia: *} \p{Diacritic: *}
  959. \p{Diacritic} \p{Diacritic=Y} (Short: \p{Dia}) (639)
  960. \p{Diacritic: N*} (Short: \p{Dia=N}, \P{Dia}) (1_113_473)
  961. \p{Diacritic: Y*} (Short: \p{Dia=Y}, \p{Dia}) (639)
  962. \p{Digit} \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number} \d,
  963. extended beyond just [0-9] (Short:
  964. \p{Nd}) (411)
  965. X \p{Dingbats} \p{Block=Dingbats} (192)
  966. X \p{Domino_Tiles} \p{Block=Domino_Tiles} (112)
  967. \p{Dsrt} \p{Deseret} (= \p{Script=Deseret}) (80)
  968. \p{Dt: *} \p{Decomposition_Type: *}
  969. \p{Ea: *} \p{East_Asian_Width: *}
  970. \p{East_Asian_Width: A} \p{East_Asian_Width=Ambiguous} (138_666)
  971. \p{East_Asian_Width: Ambiguous} (Short: \p{Ea=A}) (138_666)
  972. \p{East_Asian_Width: F} \p{East_Asian_Width=Fullwidth} (104)
  973. \p{East_Asian_Width: Fullwidth} (Short: \p{Ea=F}) (104)
  974. \p{East_Asian_Width: H} \p{East_Asian_Width=Halfwidth} (123)
  975. \p{East_Asian_Width: Halfwidth} (Short: \p{Ea=H}) (123)
  976. \p{East_Asian_Width: N} \p{East_Asian_Width=Neutral} (801_909)
  977. \p{East_Asian_Width: Na} \p{East_Asian_Width=Narrow} (111)
  978. \p{East_Asian_Width: Narrow} (Short: \p{Ea=Na}) (111)
  979. \p{East_Asian_Width: Neutral} (Short: \p{Ea=N}) (801_909)
  980. \p{East_Asian_Width: W} \p{East_Asian_Width=Wide} (173_199)
  981. \p{East_Asian_Width: Wide} (Short: \p{Ea=W}) (173_199)
  982. \p{Egyp} \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (= \p{Script=
  983. Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (NOT \p{Block=
  984. Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1071)
  985. \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} \p{Script=Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Short:
  986. \p{Egyp}; NOT \p{Block=
  987. Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1071)
  988. X \p{Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} \p{Block=
  989. Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} (256)
  990. X \p{Enclosed_Alphanumerics} \p{Block=Enclosed_Alphanumerics} (160)
  991. X \p{Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} \p{Block=
  992. Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} (256)
  993. X \p{Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} \p{Block=
  994. Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} (256)
  995. \p{Enclosing_Mark} \p{General_Category=Enclosing_Mark}
  996. (Short: \p{Me}) (13)
  997. \p{Ethi} \p{Ethiopic} (= \p{Script=Ethiopic}) (NOT
  998. \p{Block=Ethiopic}) (461)
  999. \p{Ethiopic} \p{Script=Ethiopic} (Short: \p{Ethi}; NOT
  1000. \p{Block=Ethiopic}) (461)
  1001. X \p{Ethiopic_Extended} \p{Block=Ethiopic_Extended} (96)
  1002. X \p{Ethiopic_Supplement} \p{Block=Ethiopic_Supplement} (32)
  1003. \p{Ext} \p{Extender} (= \p{Extender=Y}) (28)
  1004. \p{Ext: *} \p{Extender: *}
  1005. \p{Extender} \p{Extender=Y} (Short: \p{Ext}) (28)
  1006. \p{Extender: N*} (Short: \p{Ext=N}, \P{Ext}) (1_114_084)
  1007. \p{Extender: Y*} (Short: \p{Ext=Y}, \p{Ext}) (28)
  1008. \p{Final_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation}
  1009. (Short: \p{Pf}) (10)
  1010. \p{Format} \p{General_Category=Format} (Short:
  1011. \p{Cf}) (140)
  1012. \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion} \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion=Y}
  1013. (Short: \p{CompEx}) (1118)
  1014. \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: N*} (Short: \p{CompEx=N},
  1015. \P{CompEx}) (1_112_994)
  1016. \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: Y*} (Short: \p{CompEx=Y},
  1017. \p{CompEx}) (1118)
  1018. \p{Gc: *} \p{General_Category: *}
  1019. \p{GCB: *} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: *}
  1020. \p{General_Category: C} \p{General_Category=Other} (1_006_956)
  1021. \p{General_Category: Cased_Letter} [\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}] (Short:
  1022. \p{Gc=LC}, \p{LC}) (3207)
  1023. \p{General_Category: Cc} \p{General_Category=Control} (65)
  1024. \p{General_Category: Cf} \p{General_Category=Format} (140)
  1025. \p{General_Category: Close_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pe}, \p{Pe})
  1026. (71)
  1027. \p{General_Category: Cn} \p{General_Category=Unassigned} (867_235)
  1028. \p{General_Category: Cntrl} \p{General_Category=Control} (65)
  1029. \p{General_Category: Co} \p{General_Category=Private_Use} (137_468)
  1030. \p{General_Category: Connector_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pc},
  1031. \p{Pc}) (10)
  1032. \p{General_Category: Control} (Short: \p{Gc=Cc}, \p{Cc}) (65)
  1033. \p{General_Category: Cs} \p{General_Category=Surrogate} (2048)
  1034. \p{General_Category: Currency_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sc}, \p{Sc})
  1035. (46)
  1036. \p{General_Category: Dash_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pd}, \p{Pd})
  1037. (21)
  1038. \p{General_Category: Decimal_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=Nd}, \p{Nd})
  1039. (411)
  1040. \p{General_Category: Digit} \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number}
  1041. (411)
  1042. \p{General_Category: Enclosing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Me}, \p{Me})
  1043. (13)
  1044. \p{General_Category: Final_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pf}, \p{Pf})
  1045. (10)
  1046. \p{General_Category: Format} (Short: \p{Gc=Cf}, \p{Cf}) (140)
  1047. \p{General_Category: Initial_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pi},
  1048. \p{Pi}) (12)
  1049. \p{General_Category: L} \p{General_Category=Letter} (99_537)
  1050. X \p{General_Category: L&} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (3207)
  1051. X \p{General_Category: L_} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (3207)
  1052. \p{General_Category: LC} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (3207)
  1053. \p{General_Category: Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=L}, \p{L}) (99_537)
  1054. \p{General_Category: Letter_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=Nl}, \p{Nl})
  1055. (224)
  1056. \p{General_Category: Line_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zl}, \p{Zl}) (1)
  1057. \p{General_Category: Ll} \p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter}
  1058. (1749)
  1059. \p{General_Category: Lm} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Letter} (202)
  1060. \p{General_Category: Lo} \p{General_Category=Other_Letter} (96_128)
  1061. \p{General_Category: Lowercase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Ll}, \p{Ll})
  1062. (1749)
  1063. \p{General_Category: Lt} \p{General_Category=Titlecase_Letter} (31)
  1064. \p{General_Category: Lu} \p{General_Category=Uppercase_Letter}
  1065. (1427)
  1066. \p{General_Category: M} \p{General_Category=Mark} (1451)
  1067. \p{General_Category: Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=M}, \p{M}) (1451)
  1068. \p{General_Category: Math_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sm}, \p{Sm}) (945)
  1069. \p{General_Category: Mc} \p{General_Category=Spacing_Mark} (276)
  1070. \p{General_Category: Me} \p{General_Category=Enclosing_Mark} (13)
  1071. \p{General_Category: Mn} \p{General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark}
  1072. (1162)
  1073. \p{General_Category: Modifier_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lm}, \p{Lm})
  1074. (202)
  1075. \p{General_Category: Modifier_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sk}, \p{Sk})
  1076. (99)
  1077. \p{General_Category: N} \p{General_Category=Number} (1064)
  1078. \p{General_Category: Nd} \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number} (411)
  1079. \p{General_Category: Nl} \p{General_Category=Letter_Number} (224)
  1080. \p{General_Category: No} \p{General_Category=Other_Number} (429)
  1081. \p{General_Category: Nonspacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Mn}, \p{Mn})
  1082. (1162)
  1083. \p{General_Category: Number} (Short: \p{Gc=N}, \p{N}) (1064)
  1084. \p{General_Category: Open_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Ps}, \p{Ps})
  1085. (72)
  1086. \p{General_Category: Other} (Short: \p{Gc=C}, \p{C}) (1_006_956)
  1087. \p{General_Category: Other_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lo}, \p{Lo})
  1088. (96_128)
  1089. \p{General_Category: Other_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=No}, \p{No}) (429)
  1090. \p{General_Category: Other_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Po}, \p{Po})
  1091. (389)
  1092. \p{General_Category: Other_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=So}, \p{So})
  1093. (3409)
  1094. \p{General_Category: P} \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (585)
  1095. \p{General_Category: Paragraph_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zp},
  1096. \p{Zp}) (1)
  1097. \p{General_Category: Pc} \p{General_Category=
  1098. Connector_Punctuation} (10)
  1099. \p{General_Category: Pd} \p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation} (21)
  1100. \p{General_Category: Pe} \p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation}
  1101. (71)
  1102. \p{General_Category: Pf} \p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation}
  1103. (10)
  1104. \p{General_Category: Pi} \p{General_Category=Initial_Punctuation}
  1105. (12)
  1106. \p{General_Category: Po} \p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation}
  1107. (389)
  1108. \p{General_Category: Private_Use} (Short: \p{Gc=Co}, \p{Co})
  1109. (137_468)
  1110. \p{General_Category: Ps} \p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation} (72)
  1111. \p{General_Category: Punct} \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (585)
  1112. \p{General_Category: Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=P}, \p{P}) (585)
  1113. \p{General_Category: S} \p{General_Category=Symbol} (4499)
  1114. \p{General_Category: Sc} \p{General_Category=Currency_Symbol} (46)
  1115. \p{General_Category: Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Z}, \p{Z}) (20)
  1116. \p{General_Category: Sk} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Symbol} (99)
  1117. \p{General_Category: Sm} \p{General_Category=Math_Symbol} (945)
  1118. \p{General_Category: So} \p{General_Category=Other_Symbol} (3409)
  1119. \p{General_Category: Space_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zs}, \p{Zs})
  1120. (18)
  1121. \p{General_Category: Spacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Mc}, \p{Mc}) (276)
  1122. \p{General_Category: Surrogate} Mostly not usable in Perl. (Short:
  1123. \p{Gc=Cs}, \p{Cs}) (2048)
  1124. \p{General_Category: Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=S}, \p{S}) (4499)
  1125. \p{General_Category: Titlecase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lt}, \p{Lt})
  1126. (31)
  1127. \p{General_Category: Unassigned} (Short: \p{Gc=Cn}, \p{Cn})
  1128. (867_235)
  1129. \p{General_Category: Uppercase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lu}, \p{Lu})
  1130. (1427)
  1131. \p{General_Category: Z} \p{General_Category=Separator} (20)
  1132. \p{General_Category: Zl} \p{General_Category=Line_Separator} (1)
  1133. \p{General_Category: Zp} \p{General_Category=Paragraph_Separator}
  1134. (1)
  1135. \p{General_Category: Zs} \p{General_Category=Space_Separator} (18)
  1136. X \p{General_Punctuation} \p{Block=General_Punctuation} (112)
  1137. X \p{Geometric_Shapes} \p{Block=Geometric_Shapes} (96)
  1138. \p{Geor} \p{Georgian} (= \p{Script=Georgian}) (NOT
  1139. \p{Block=Georgian}) (120)
  1140. \p{Georgian} \p{Script=Georgian} (Short: \p{Geor}; NOT
  1141. \p{Block=Georgian}) (120)
  1142. X \p{Georgian_Supplement} \p{Block=Georgian_Supplement} (48)
  1143. \p{Glag} \p{Glagolitic} (= \p{Script=Glagolitic})
  1144. (NOT \p{Block=Glagolitic}) (94)
  1145. \p{Glagolitic} \p{Script=Glagolitic} (Short: \p{Glag};
  1146. NOT \p{Block=Glagolitic}) (94)
  1147. \p{Goth} \p{Gothic} (= \p{Script=Gothic}) (NOT
  1148. \p{Block=Gothic}) (27)
  1149. \p{Gothic} \p{Script=Gothic} (Short: \p{Goth}; NOT
  1150. \p{Block=Gothic}) (27)
  1151. \p{Gr_Base} \p{Grapheme_Base} (= \p{Grapheme_Base=Y})
  1152. (105_958)
  1153. \p{Gr_Base: *} \p{Grapheme_Base: *}
  1154. \p{Gr_Ext} \p{Grapheme_Extend} (= \p{Grapheme_Extend=
  1155. Y}) (1198)
  1156. \p{Gr_Ext: *} \p{Grapheme_Extend: *}
  1157. \p{Graph} Characters that are graphical (244_744)
  1158. \p{Grapheme_Base} \p{Grapheme_Base=Y} (Short: \p{GrBase})
  1159. (105_958)
  1160. \p{Grapheme_Base: N*} (Short: \p{GrBase=N}, \P{GrBase})
  1161. (1_008_154)
  1162. \p{Grapheme_Base: Y*} (Short: \p{GrBase=Y}, \p{GrBase}) (105_958)
  1163. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: CN} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Control}
  1164. (203)
  1165. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Control} (Short: \p{GCB=CN}) (203)
  1166. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: CR} (Short: \p{GCB=CR}) (1)
  1167. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: EX} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Extend}
  1168. (1205)
  1169. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Extend} (Short: \p{GCB=EX}) (1205)
  1170. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: L} (Short: \p{GCB=L}) (125)
  1171. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LF} (Short: \p{GCB=LF}) (1)
  1172. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LV} (Short: \p{GCB=LV}) (399)
  1173. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LVT} (Short: \p{GCB=LVT}) (10_773)
  1174. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Other} (Short: \p{GCB=XX}) (1_100_901)
  1175. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: PP} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Prepend}
  1176. (15)
  1177. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Prepend} (Short: \p{GCB=PP}) (15)
  1178. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: SM} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=
  1179. SpacingMark} (257)
  1180. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: SpacingMark} (Short: \p{GCB=SM}) (257)
  1181. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: T} (Short: \p{GCB=T}) (137)
  1182. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: V} (Short: \p{GCB=V}) (95)
  1183. \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: XX} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Other}
  1184. (1_100_901)
  1185. \p{Grapheme_Extend} \p{Grapheme_Extend=Y} (Short: \p{GrExt})
  1186. (1198)
  1187. \p{Grapheme_Extend: N*} (Short: \p{GrExt=N}, \P{GrExt}) (1_112_914)
  1188. \p{Grapheme_Extend: Y*} (Short: \p{GrExt=Y}, \p{GrExt}) (1198)
  1189. \p{Greek} \p{Script=Greek} (Short: \p{Grek}; NOT
  1190. \p{Greek_And_Coptic}) (511)
  1191. X \p{Greek_And_Coptic} \p{Block=Greek_And_Coptic} (Short:
  1192. \p{InGreek}) (144)
  1193. X \p{Greek_Extended} \p{Block=Greek_Extended} (256)
  1194. \p{Grek} \p{Greek} (= \p{Script=Greek}) (NOT
  1195. \p{Greek_And_Coptic}) (511)
  1196. \p{Gujarati} \p{Script=Gujarati} (Short: \p{Gujr}; NOT
  1197. \p{Block=Gujarati}) (83)
  1198. \p{Gujr} \p{Gujarati} (= \p{Script=Gujarati}) (NOT
  1199. \p{Block=Gujarati}) (83)
  1200. \p{Gurmukhi} \p{Script=Gurmukhi} (Short: \p{Guru}; NOT
  1201. \p{Block=Gurmukhi}) (79)
  1202. \p{Guru} \p{Gurmukhi} (= \p{Script=Gurmukhi}) (NOT
  1203. \p{Block=Gurmukhi}) (79)
  1204. X \p{Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} \p{Block=
  1205. Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} (240)
  1206. \p{Han} \p{Script=Han} (75_738)
  1207. \p{Hang} \p{Hangul} (= \p{Script=Hangul}) (11_737)
  1208. \p{Hangul} \p{Script=Hangul} (Short: \p{Hang})
  1209. (11_737)
  1210. X \p{Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo} \p{Block=Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo}
  1211. (96)
  1212. X \p{Hangul_Jamo} \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo} (256)
  1213. X \p{Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} (32)
  1214. X \p{Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} (80)
  1215. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: L} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Leading_Jamo}
  1216. (125)
  1217. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Leading_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=L}) (125)
  1218. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LV} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=LV_Syllable}
  1219. (399)
  1220. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LV_Syllable} (Short: \p{Hst=LV}) (399)
  1221. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LVT} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=
  1222. LVT_Syllable} (10_773)
  1223. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LVT_Syllable} (Short: \p{Hst=LVT})
  1224. (10_773)
  1225. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: NA} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=
  1226. Not_Applicable} (1_102_583)
  1227. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Not_Applicable} (Short: \p{Hst=NA})
  1228. (1_102_583)
  1229. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: T} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Trailing_Jamo}
  1230. (137)
  1231. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Trailing_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=T}) (137)
  1232. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: V} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Vowel_Jamo}
  1233. (95)
  1234. \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Vowel_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=V}) (95)
  1235. X \p{Hangul_Syllables} \p{Block=Hangul_Syllables} (11_184)
  1236. \p{Hani} \p{Han} (= \p{Script=Han}) (75_738)
  1237. \p{Hano} \p{Hanunoo} (= \p{Script=Hanunoo}) (NOT
  1238. \p{Block=Hanunoo}) (21)
  1239. \p{Hanunoo} \p{Script=Hanunoo} (Short: \p{Hano}; NOT
  1240. \p{Block=Hanunoo}) (21)
  1241. \p{Hebr} \p{Hebrew} (= \p{Script=Hebrew}) (NOT
  1242. \p{Block=Hebrew}) (133)
  1243. \p{Hebrew} \p{Script=Hebrew} (Short: \p{Hebr}; NOT
  1244. \p{Block=Hebrew}) (133)
  1245. \p{Hex} \p{XDigit} (= \p{Hex_Digit=Y}) (44)
  1246. \p{Hex: *} \p{Hex_Digit: *}
  1247. \p{Hex_Digit} \p{XDigit} (= \p{Hex_Digit=Y}) (44)
  1248. \p{Hex_Digit: N*} (Short: \p{Hex=N}, \P{Hex}) (1_114_068)
  1249. \p{Hex_Digit: Y*} (Short: \p{Hex=Y}, \p{Hex}) (44)
  1250. X \p{High_Private_Use_Surrogates} \p{Block=
  1251. High_Private_Use_Surrogates} (128)
  1252. X \p{High_Surrogates} \p{Block=High_Surrogates} (896)
  1253. \p{Hira} \p{Hiragana} (= \p{Script=Hiragana}) (NOT
  1254. \p{Block=Hiragana}) (90)
  1255. \p{Hiragana} \p{Script=Hiragana} (Short: \p{Hira}; NOT
  1256. \p{Block=Hiragana}) (90)
  1257. \p{HorizSpace} \p{Blank} (19)
  1258. \p{Hst: *} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: *}
  1259. S \p{Hyphen} \p{Hyphen=Y} (11)
  1260. S \p{Hyphen: N*} Use the Line_Break property instead; see
  1261. (Single:
  1262. \P{Hyphen}) (1_114_101)
  1263. S \p{Hyphen: Y*} Use the Line_Break property instead; see
  1264. (Single:
  1265. \p{Hyphen}) (11)
  1266. \p{ID_Continue} \p{ID_Continue=Y} (Short: \p{IDC})
  1267. (101_634)
  1268. \p{ID_Continue: N*} (Short: \p{IDC=N}, \P{IDC}) (1_012_478)
  1269. \p{ID_Continue: Y*} (Short: \p{IDC=Y}, \p{IDC}) (101_634)
  1270. \p{ID_Start} \p{ID_Start=Y} (Short: \p{IDS}) (99_764)
  1271. \p{ID_Start: N*} (Short: \p{IDS=N}, \P{IDS}) (1_014_348)
  1272. \p{ID_Start: Y*} (Short: \p{IDS=Y}, \p{IDS}) (99_764)
  1273. \p{IDC} \p{ID_Continue} (= \p{ID_Continue=Y})
  1274. (101_634)
  1275. \p{IDC: *} \p{ID_Continue: *}
  1276. \p{Ideo} \p{Ideographic} (= \p{Ideographic=Y})
  1277. (75_408)
  1278. \p{Ideo: *} \p{Ideographic: *}
  1279. \p{Ideographic} \p{Ideographic=Y} (Short: \p{Ideo})
  1280. (75_408)
  1281. \p{Ideographic: N*} (Short: \p{Ideo=N}, \P{Ideo}) (1_038_704)
  1282. \p{Ideographic: Y*} (Short: \p{Ideo=Y}, \p{Ideo}) (75_408)
  1283. X \p{Ideographic_Description_Characters} \p{Block=
  1284. Ideographic_Description_Characters} (16)
  1285. \p{IDS} \p{ID_Start} (= \p{ID_Start=Y}) (99_764)
  1286. \p{IDS: *} \p{ID_Start: *}
  1287. \p{IDS_Binary_Operator} \p{IDS_Binary_Operator=Y} (Short:
  1288. \p{IDSB}) (10)
  1289. \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: N*} (Short: \p{IDSB=N}, \P{IDSB})
  1290. (1_114_102)
  1291. \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: Y*} (Short: \p{IDSB=Y}, \p{IDSB}) (10)
  1292. \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator} \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator=Y} (Short:
  1293. \p{IDST}) (2)
  1294. \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: N*} (Short: \p{IDST=N}, \P{IDST})
  1295. (1_114_110)
  1296. \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: Y*} (Short: \p{IDST=Y}, \p{IDST}) (2)
  1297. \p{IDSB} \p{IDS_Binary_Operator} (=
  1298. \p{IDS_Binary_Operator=Y}) (10)
  1299. \p{IDSB: *} \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: *}
  1300. \p{IDST} \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator} (=
  1301. \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator=Y}) (2)
  1302. \p{IDST: *} \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: *}
  1303. \p{Imperial_Aramaic} \p{Script=Imperial_Aramaic} (Short:
  1304. \p{Armi}; NOT \p{Block=
  1305. Imperial_Aramaic}) (31)
  1306. \p{In: *} \p{Present_In: *} (Perl extension)
  1307. \p{In_*} \p{Block: *}
  1308. \p{Inherited} \p{Script=Inherited} (Short: \p{Zinh})
  1309. (523)
  1310. \p{Initial_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Initial_Punctuation}
  1311. (Short: \p{Pi}) (12)
  1312. \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Short:
  1313. \p{Phli}; NOT \p{Block=
  1314. Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (27)
  1315. \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Parthian}
  1316. (Short: \p{Prti}; NOT \p{Block=
  1317. Inscriptional_Parthian}) (30)
  1318. X \p{IPA_Extensions} \p{Block=IPA_Extensions} (96)
  1319. \p{Is_*} \p{*} (Any exceptions are individually
  1320. noted beginning with the word NOT.) If
  1321. an entry has flag(s) at its beginning,
  1322. like 'D', the 'Is_' form has the same
  1323. flag(s)
  1324. \p{Ital} \p{Old_Italic} (= \p{Script=Old_Italic})
  1325. (NOT \p{Block=Old_Italic}) (35)
  1326. \p{Java} \p{Javanese} (= \p{Script=Javanese}) (NOT
  1327. \p{Block=Javanese}) (91)
  1328. \p{Javanese} \p{Script=Javanese} (Short: \p{Java}; NOT
  1329. \p{Block=Javanese}) (91)
  1330. \p{Jg: *} \p{Joining_Group: *}
  1331. \p{Join_C} \p{Join_Control} (= \p{Join_Control=Y}) (2)
  1332. \p{Join_C: *} \p{Join_Control: *}
  1333. \p{Join_Control} \p{Join_Control=Y} (Short: \p{JoinC}) (2)
  1334. \p{Join_Control: N*} (Short: \p{JoinC=N}, \P{JoinC}) (1_114_110)
  1335. \p{Join_Control: Y*} (Short: \p{JoinC=Y}, \p{JoinC}) (2)
  1336. \p{Joining_Group: Ain} (Short: \p{Jg=Ain}) (7)
  1337. \p{Joining_Group: Alaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Alaph}) (1)
  1338. \p{Joining_Group: Alef} (Short: \p{Jg=Alef}) (10)
  1339. \p{Joining_Group: Beh} (Short: \p{Jg=Beh}) (19)
  1340. \p{Joining_Group: Beth} (Short: \p{Jg=Beth}) (2)
  1341. \p{Joining_Group: Burushaski_Yeh_Barree} (Short: \p{Jg=
  1342. BurushaskiYehBarree}) (2)
  1343. \p{Joining_Group: Dal} (Short: \p{Jg=Dal}) (14)
  1344. \p{Joining_Group: Dalath_Rish} (Short: \p{Jg=DalathRish}) (4)
  1345. \p{Joining_Group: E} (Short: \p{Jg=E}) (1)
  1346. \p{Joining_Group: Farsi_Yeh} (Short: \p{Jg=FarsiYeh}) (7)
  1347. \p{Joining_Group: Fe} (Short: \p{Jg=Fe}) (1)
  1348. \p{Joining_Group: Feh} (Short: \p{Jg=Feh}) (9)
  1349. \p{Joining_Group: Final_Semkath} (Short: \p{Jg=FinalSemkath}) (1)
  1350. \p{Joining_Group: Gaf} (Short: \p{Jg=Gaf}) (13)
  1351. \p{Joining_Group: Gamal} (Short: \p{Jg=Gamal}) (3)
  1352. \p{Joining_Group: Hah} (Short: \p{Jg=Hah}) (17)
  1353. \p{Joining_Group: Hamza_On_Heh_Goal} (Short: \p{Jg=
  1354. HamzaOnHehGoal}) (1)
  1355. \p{Joining_Group: He} (Short: \p{Jg=He}) (1)
  1356. \p{Joining_Group: Heh} (Short: \p{Jg=Heh}) (1)
  1357. \p{Joining_Group: Heh_Goal} (Short: \p{Jg=HehGoal}) (2)
  1358. \p{Joining_Group: Heth} (Short: \p{Jg=Heth}) (1)
  1359. \p{Joining_Group: Kaf} (Short: \p{Jg=Kaf}) (5)
  1360. \p{Joining_Group: Kaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Kaph}) (1)
  1361. \p{Joining_Group: Khaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Khaph}) (1)
  1362. \p{Joining_Group: Knotted_Heh} (Short: \p{Jg=KnottedHeh}) (2)
  1363. \p{Joining_Group: Lam} (Short: \p{Jg=Lam}) (6)
  1364. \p{Joining_Group: Lamadh} (Short: \p{Jg=Lamadh}) (1)
  1365. \p{Joining_Group: Meem} (Short: \p{Jg=Meem}) (3)
  1366. \p{Joining_Group: Mim} (Short: \p{Jg=Mim}) (1)
  1367. \p{Joining_Group: No_Joining_Group} (Short: \p{Jg=NoJoiningGroup})
  1368. (1_113_883)
  1369. \p{Joining_Group: Noon} (Short: \p{Jg=Noon}) (8)
  1370. \p{Joining_Group: Nun} (Short: \p{Jg=Nun}) (1)
  1371. \p{Joining_Group: Nya} (Short: \p{Jg=Nya}) (1)
  1372. \p{Joining_Group: Pe} (Short: \p{Jg=Pe}) (1)
  1373. \p{Joining_Group: Qaf} (Short: \p{Jg=Qaf}) (4)
  1374. \p{Joining_Group: Qaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Qaph}) (1)
  1375. \p{Joining_Group: Reh} (Short: \p{Jg=Reh}) (16)
  1376. \p{Joining_Group: Reversed_Pe} (Short: \p{Jg=ReversedPe}) (1)
  1377. \p{Joining_Group: Sad} (Short: \p{Jg=Sad}) (5)
  1378. \p{Joining_Group: Sadhe} (Short: \p{Jg=Sadhe}) (1)
  1379. \p{Joining_Group: Seen} (Short: \p{Jg=Seen}) (11)
  1380. \p{Joining_Group: Semkath} (Short: \p{Jg=Semkath}) (1)
  1381. \p{Joining_Group: Shin} (Short: \p{Jg=Shin}) (1)
  1382. \p{Joining_Group: Swash_Kaf} (Short: \p{Jg=SwashKaf}) (1)
  1383. \p{Joining_Group: Syriac_Waw} (Short: \p{Jg=SyriacWaw}) (1)
  1384. \p{Joining_Group: Tah} (Short: \p{Jg=Tah}) (3)
  1385. \p{Joining_Group: Taw} (Short: \p{Jg=Taw}) (1)
  1386. \p{Joining_Group: Teh_Marbuta} (Short: \p{Jg=TehMarbuta}) (3)
  1387. \p{Joining_Group: Teth} (Short: \p{Jg=Teth}) (2)
  1388. \p{Joining_Group: Waw} (Short: \p{Jg=Waw}) (15)
  1389. \p{Joining_Group: Yeh} (Short: \p{Jg=Yeh}) (7)
  1390. \p{Joining_Group: Yeh_Barree} (Short: \p{Jg=YehBarree}) (2)
  1391. \p{Joining_Group: Yeh_With_Tail} (Short: \p{Jg=YehWithTail}) (1)
  1392. \p{Joining_Group: Yudh} (Short: \p{Jg=Yudh}) (1)
  1393. \p{Joining_Group: Yudh_He} (Short: \p{Jg=YudhHe}) (1)
  1394. \p{Joining_Group: Zain} (Short: \p{Jg=Zain}) (1)
  1395. \p{Joining_Group: Zhain} (Short: \p{Jg=Zhain}) (1)
  1396. \p{Joining_Type: C} \p{Joining_Type=Join_Causing} (3)
  1397. \p{Joining_Type: D} \p{Joining_Type=Dual_Joining} (188)
  1398. \p{Joining_Type: Dual_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=D}) (188)
  1399. \p{Joining_Type: Join_Causing} (Short: \p{Jt=C}) (3)
  1400. \p{Joining_Type: L} \p{Joining_Type=Left_Joining} (0)
  1401. \p{Joining_Type: Left_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=L}) (0)
  1402. \p{Joining_Type: Non_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=U}) (1_112_539)
  1403. \p{Joining_Type: R} \p{Joining_Type=Right_Joining} (74)
  1404. \p{Joining_Type: Right_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=R}) (74)
  1405. \p{Joining_Type: T} \p{Joining_Type=Transparent} (1308)
  1406. \p{Joining_Type: Transparent} (Short: \p{Jt=T}) (1308)
  1407. \p{Joining_Type: U} \p{Joining_Type=Non_Joining} (1_112_539)
  1408. \p{Jt: *} \p{Joining_Type: *}
  1409. \p{Kaithi} \p{Script=Kaithi} (Short: \p{Kthi}; NOT
  1410. \p{Block=Kaithi}) (66)
  1411. \p{Kali} \p{Kayah_Li} (= \p{Script=Kayah_Li}) (48)
  1412. \p{Kana} \p{Katakana} (= \p{Script=Katakana}) (NOT
  1413. \p{Block=Katakana}) (299)
  1414. X \p{Kanbun} \p{Block=Kanbun} (16)
  1415. X \p{Kangxi_Radicals} \p{Block=Kangxi_Radicals} (224)
  1416. \p{Kannada} \p{Script=Kannada} (Short: \p{Knda}; NOT
  1417. \p{Block=Kannada}) (84)
  1418. \p{Katakana} \p{Script=Katakana} (Short: \p{Kana}; NOT
  1419. \p{Block=Katakana}) (299)
  1420. X \p{Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} \p{Block=
  1421. Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} (16)
  1422. \p{Kayah_Li} \p{Script=Kayah_Li} (Short: \p{Kali}) (48)
  1423. \p{Khar} \p{Kharoshthi} (= \p{Script=Kharoshthi})
  1424. (NOT \p{Block=Kharoshthi}) (65)
  1425. \p{Kharoshthi} \p{Script=Kharoshthi} (Short: \p{Khar};
  1426. NOT \p{Block=Kharoshthi}) (65)
  1427. \p{Khmer} \p{Script=Khmer} (Short: \p{Khmr}; NOT
  1428. \p{Block=Khmer}) (146)
  1429. X \p{Khmer_Symbols} \p{Block=Khmer_Symbols} (32)
  1430. \p{Khmr} \p{Khmer} (= \p{Script=Khmer}) (NOT
  1431. \p{Block=Khmer}) (146)
  1432. \p{Knda} \p{Kannada} (= \p{Script=Kannada}) (NOT
  1433. \p{Block=Kannada}) (84)
  1434. \p{Kthi} \p{Kaithi} (= \p{Script=Kaithi}) (NOT
  1435. \p{Block=Kaithi}) (66)
  1436. \p{L} \p{Letter} (= \p{General_Category=Letter})
  1437. (99_537)
  1438. \p{L&} \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
  1439. Cased_Letter}) (3207)
  1440. \p{L_} \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
  1441. Cased_Letter}) (3207)
  1442. \p{Lana} \p{Tai_Tham} (= \p{Script=Tai_Tham}) (NOT
  1443. \p{Block=Tai_Tham}) (127)
  1444. \p{Lao} \p{Script=Lao} (NOT \p{Block=Lao}) (65)
  1445. \p{Laoo} \p{Lao} (= \p{Script=Lao}) (NOT \p{Block=
  1446. Lao}) (65)
  1447. \p{Latin} \p{Script=Latin} (Short: \p{Latn}) (1244)
  1448. X \p{Latin_1} \p{Latin_1_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
  1449. Latin_1_Supplement}) (128)
  1450. X \p{Latin_1_Supplement} \p{Block=Latin_1_Supplement} (Short:
  1451. \p{InLatin1}) (128)
  1452. X \p{Latin_Extended_A} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_A} (128)
  1453. X \p{Latin_Extended_Additional} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_Additional}
  1454. (256)
  1455. X \p{Latin_Extended_B} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_B} (208)
  1456. X \p{Latin_Extended_C} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_C} (32)
  1457. X \p{Latin_Extended_D} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_D} (224)
  1458. \p{Latn} \p{Latin} (= \p{Script=Latin}) (1244)
  1459. \p{Lb: *} \p{Line_Break: *}
  1460. \p{LC} \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
  1461. Cased_Letter}) (3207)
  1462. \p{Lepc} \p{Lepcha} (= \p{Script=Lepcha}) (NOT
  1463. \p{Block=Lepcha}) (74)
  1464. \p{Lepcha} \p{Script=Lepcha} (Short: \p{Lepc}; NOT
  1465. \p{Block=Lepcha}) (74)
  1466. \p{Letter} \p{General_Category=Letter} (Short: \p{L})
  1467. (99_537)
  1468. \p{Letter_Number} \p{General_Category=Letter_Number} (Short:
  1469. \p{Nl}) (224)
  1470. X \p{Letterlike_Symbols} \p{Block=Letterlike_Symbols} (80)
  1471. \p{Limb} \p{Limbu} (= \p{Script=Limbu}) (NOT
  1472. \p{Block=Limbu}) (66)
  1473. \p{Limbu} \p{Script=Limbu} (Short: \p{Limb}; NOT
  1474. \p{Block=Limbu}) (66)
  1475. \p{Linb} \p{Linear_B} (= \p{Script=Linear_B}) (211)
  1476. \p{Line_Break: AI} \p{Line_Break=Ambiguous} (644)
  1477. \p{Line_Break: AL} \p{Line_Break=Alphabetic} (14_092)
  1478. \p{Line_Break: Alphabetic} (Short: \p{Lb=AL}) (14_092)
  1479. \p{Line_Break: Ambiguous} (Short: \p{Lb=AI}) (644)
  1480. \p{Line_Break: B2} \p{Line_Break=Break_Both} (1)
  1481. \p{Line_Break: BA} \p{Line_Break=Break_After} (137)
  1482. \p{Line_Break: BB} \p{Line_Break=Break_Before} (19)
  1483. \p{Line_Break: BK} \p{Line_Break=Mandatory_Break} (4)
  1484. \p{Line_Break: Break_After} (Short: \p{Lb=BA}) (137)
  1485. \p{Line_Break: Break_Before} (Short: \p{Lb=BB}) (19)
  1486. \p{Line_Break: Break_Both} (Short: \p{Lb=B2}) (1)
  1487. \p{Line_Break: Break_Symbols} (Short: \p{Lb=SY}) (1)
  1488. \p{Line_Break: Carriage_Return} (Short: \p{Lb=CR}) (1)
  1489. \p{Line_Break: CB} \p{Line_Break=Contingent_Break} (1)
  1490. \p{Line_Break: CL} \p{Line_Break=Close_Punctuation} (87)
  1491. \p{Line_Break: Close_Parenthesis} (Short: \p{Lb=CP}) (2)
  1492. \p{Line_Break: Close_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Lb=CL}) (87)
  1493. \p{Line_Break: CM} \p{Line_Break=Combining_Mark} (1436)
  1494. \p{Line_Break: Combining_Mark} (Short: \p{Lb=CM}) (1436)
  1495. \p{Line_Break: Complex_Context} (Short: \p{Lb=SA}) (662)
  1496. \p{Line_Break: Contingent_Break} (Short: \p{Lb=CB}) (1)
  1497. \p{Line_Break: CP} \p{Line_Break=Close_Parenthesis} (2)
  1498. \p{Line_Break: CR} \p{Line_Break=Carriage_Return} (1)
  1499. \p{Line_Break: EX} \p{Line_Break=Exclamation} (34)
  1500. \p{Line_Break: Exclamation} (Short: \p{Lb=EX}) (34)
  1501. \p{Line_Break: GL} \p{Line_Break=Glue} (16)
  1502. \p{Line_Break: Glue} (Short: \p{Lb=GL}) (16)
  1503. \p{Line_Break: H2} (Short: \p{Lb=H2}) (399)
  1504. \p{Line_Break: H3} (Short: \p{Lb=H3}) (10_773)
  1505. \p{Line_Break: HY} \p{Line_Break=Hyphen} (1)
  1506. \p{Line_Break: Hyphen} (Short: \p{Lb=HY}) (1)
  1507. \p{Line_Break: ID} \p{Line_Break=Ideographic} (161_775)
  1508. \p{Line_Break: Ideographic} (Short: \p{Lb=ID}) (161_775)
  1509. \p{Line_Break: IN} \p{Line_Break=Inseparable} (4)
  1510. \p{Line_Break: Infix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=IS}) (13)
  1511. \p{Line_Break: Inseparable} (Short: \p{Lb=IN}) (4)
  1512. \p{Line_Break: Inseperable} \p{Line_Break=Inseparable} (4)
  1513. \p{Line_Break: IS} \p{Line_Break=Infix_Numeric} (13)
  1514. \p{Line_Break: JL} (Short: \p{Lb=JL}) (125)
  1515. \p{Line_Break: JT} (Short: \p{Lb=JT}) (137)
  1516. \p{Line_Break: JV} (Short: \p{Lb=JV}) (95)
  1517. \p{Line_Break: LF} \p{Line_Break=Line_Feed} (1)
  1518. \p{Line_Break: Line_Feed} (Short: \p{Lb=LF}) (1)
  1519. \p{Line_Break: Mandatory_Break} (Short: \p{Lb=BK}) (4)
  1520. \p{Line_Break: Next_Line} (Short: \p{Lb=NL}) (1)
  1521. \p{Line_Break: NL} \p{Line_Break=Next_Line} (1)
  1522. \p{Line_Break: Nonstarter} (Short: \p{Lb=NS}) (77)
  1523. \p{Line_Break: NS} \p{Line_Break=Nonstarter} (77)
  1524. \p{Line_Break: NU} \p{Line_Break=Numeric} (403)
  1525. \p{Line_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=NU}) (403)
  1526. \p{Line_Break: OP} \p{Line_Break=Open_Punctuation} (81)
  1527. \p{Line_Break: Open_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Lb=OP}) (81)
  1528. \p{Line_Break: PO} \p{Line_Break=Postfix_Numeric} (28)
  1529. \p{Line_Break: Postfix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=PO}) (28)
  1530. \p{Line_Break: PR} \p{Line_Break=Prefix_Numeric} (43)
  1531. \p{Line_Break: Prefix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=PR}) (43)
  1532. \p{Line_Break: QU} \p{Line_Break=Quotation} (34)
  1533. \p{Line_Break: Quotation} (Short: \p{Lb=QU}) (34)
  1534. \p{Line_Break: SA} \p{Line_Break=Complex_Context} (662)
  1535. D \p{Line_Break: SG} \p{Line_Break=Surrogate} (2048)
  1536. \p{Line_Break: SP} \p{Line_Break=Space} (1)
  1537. \p{Line_Break: Space} (Short: \p{Lb=SP}) (1)
  1538. D \p{Line_Break: Surrogate} Deprecated by Unicode because surrogates
  1539. should never appear in well-formed text,
  1540. and therefore shouldn't be the basis for
  1541. line breaking (Short: \p{Lb=SG}) (2048)
  1542. \p{Line_Break: SY} \p{Line_Break=Break_Symbols} (1)
  1543. \p{Line_Break: Unknown} (Short: \p{Lb=XX}) (920_933)
  1544. \p{Line_Break: WJ} \p{Line_Break=Word_Joiner} (2)
  1545. \p{Line_Break: Word_Joiner} (Short: \p{Lb=WJ}) (2)
  1546. \p{Line_Break: XX} \p{Line_Break=Unknown} (920_933)
  1547. \p{Line_Break: ZW} \p{Line_Break=ZWSpace} (1)
  1548. \p{Line_Break: ZWSpace} (Short: \p{Lb=ZW}) (1)
  1549. \p{Line_Separator} \p{General_Category=Line_Separator}
  1550. (Short: \p{Zl}) (1)
  1551. \p{Linear_B} \p{Script=Linear_B} (Short: \p{Linb}) (211)
  1552. X \p{Linear_B_Ideograms} \p{Block=Linear_B_Ideograms} (128)
  1553. X \p{Linear_B_Syllabary} \p{Block=Linear_B_Syllabary} (128)
  1554. \p{Lisu} \p{Script=Lisu} (48)
  1555. \p{Ll} \p{Lowercase_Letter} (=
  1556. \p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter})
  1557. (1749)
  1558. \p{Lm} \p{Modifier_Letter} (=
  1559. \p{General_Category=Modifier_Letter})
  1560. (202)
  1561. \p{Lo} \p{Other_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
  1562. Other_Letter}) (96_128)
  1563. \p{LOE} \p{Logical_Order_Exception} (=
  1564. \p{Logical_Order_Exception=Y}) (15)
  1565. \p{LOE: *} \p{Logical_Order_Exception: *}
  1566. \p{Logical_Order_Exception} \p{Logical_Order_Exception=Y} (Short:
  1567. \p{LOE}) (15)
  1568. \p{Logical_Order_Exception: N*} (Short: \p{LOE=N}, \P{LOE})
  1569. (1_114_097)
  1570. \p{Logical_Order_Exception: Y*} (Short: \p{LOE=Y}, \p{LOE}) (15)
  1571. X \p{Low_Surrogates} \p{Block=Low_Surrogates} (1024)
  1572. \p{Lower} \p{Lowercase=Y} (1908)
  1573. \p{Lower: *} \p{Lowercase: *}
  1574. \p{Lowercase} \p{Lower} (= \p{Lowercase=Y}) (1908)
  1575. \p{Lowercase: N*} (Short: \p{Lower=N}, \P{Lower}) (1_112_204)
  1576. \p{Lowercase: Y*} (Short: \p{Lower=Y}, \p{Lower}) (1908)
  1577. \p{Lowercase_Letter} \p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter}
  1578. (Short: \p{Ll}) (1749)
  1579. \p{Lt} \p{Title} (= \p{General_Category=
  1580. Titlecase_Letter}) (31)
  1581. \p{Lu} \p{Uppercase_Letter} (=
  1582. \p{General_Category=Uppercase_Letter})
  1583. (1427)
  1584. \p{Lyci} \p{Lycian} (= \p{Script=Lycian}) (NOT
  1585. \p{Block=Lycian}) (29)
  1586. \p{Lycian} \p{Script=Lycian} (Short: \p{Lyci}; NOT
  1587. \p{Block=Lycian}) (29)
  1588. \p{Lydi} \p{Lydian} (= \p{Script=Lydian}) (NOT
  1589. \p{Block=Lydian}) (27)
  1590. \p{Lydian} \p{Script=Lydian} (Short: \p{Lydi}; NOT
  1591. \p{Block=Lydian}) (27)
  1592. \p{M} \p{Mark} (= \p{General_Category=Mark})
  1593. (1451)
  1594. X \p{Mahjong_Tiles} \p{Block=Mahjong_Tiles} (48)
  1595. \p{Malayalam} \p{Script=Malayalam} (Short: \p{Mlym}; NOT
  1596. \p{Block=Malayalam}) (95)
  1597. \p{Mark} \p{General_Category=Mark} (Short: \p{M})
  1598. (1451)
  1599. \p{Math} \p{Math=Y} (2161)
  1600. \p{Math: N*} (Single: \P{Math}) (1_111_951)
  1601. \p{Math: Y*} (Single: \p{Math}) (2161)
  1602. \p{Math_Symbol} \p{General_Category=Math_Symbol} (Short:
  1603. \p{Sm}) (945)
  1604. X \p{Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} \p{Block=
  1605. Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} (1024)
  1606. X \p{Mathematical_Operators} \p{Block=Mathematical_Operators} (256)
  1607. \p{Mc} \p{Spacing_Mark} (= \p{General_Category=
  1608. Spacing_Mark}) (276)
  1609. \p{Me} \p{Enclosing_Mark} (= \p{General_Category=
  1610. Enclosing_Mark}) (13)
  1611. \p{Meetei_Mayek} \p{Script=Meetei_Mayek} (Short: \p{Mtei};
  1612. NOT \p{Block=Meetei_Mayek}) (56)
  1613. X \p{Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A} \p{Block=
  1614. Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A}
  1615. (48)
  1616. X \p{Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B} \p{Block=
  1617. Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B}
  1618. (128)
  1619. X \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols} \p{Block=Miscellaneous_Symbols} (256)
  1620. X \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} \p{Block=
  1621. Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} (256)
  1622. X \p{Miscellaneous_Technical} \p{Block=Miscellaneous_Technical} (256)
  1623. \p{Mlym} \p{Malayalam} (= \p{Script=Malayalam})
  1624. (NOT \p{Block=Malayalam}) (95)
  1625. \p{Mn} \p{Nonspacing_Mark} (=
  1626. \p{General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark})
  1627. (1162)
  1628. \p{Modifier_Letter} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Letter}
  1629. (Short: \p{Lm}) (202)
  1630. \p{Modifier_Symbol} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Symbol}
  1631. (Short: \p{Sk}) (99)
  1632. X \p{Modifier_Tone_Letters} \p{Block=Modifier_Tone_Letters} (32)
  1633. \p{Mong} \p{Mongolian} (= \p{Script=Mongolian})
  1634. (NOT \p{Block=Mongolian}) (153)
  1635. \p{Mongolian} \p{Script=Mongolian} (Short: \p{Mong}; NOT
  1636. \p{Block=Mongolian}) (153)
  1637. \p{Mtei} \p{Meetei_Mayek} (= \p{Script=
  1638. Meetei_Mayek}) (NOT \p{Block=
  1639. Meetei_Mayek}) (56)
  1640. X \p{Musical_Symbols} \p{Block=Musical_Symbols} (256)
  1641. \p{Myanmar} \p{Script=Myanmar} (Short: \p{Mymr}; NOT
  1642. \p{Block=Myanmar}) (188)
  1643. X \p{Myanmar_Extended_A} \p{Block=Myanmar_Extended_A} (32)
  1644. \p{Mymr} \p{Myanmar} (= \p{Script=Myanmar}) (NOT
  1645. \p{Block=Myanmar}) (188)
  1646. \p{N} \p{Number} (= \p{General_Category=Number})
  1647. (1064)
  1648. \p{NChar} \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point} (=
  1649. \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point=Y}) (66)
  1650. \p{NChar: *} \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: *}
  1651. \p{Nd} \p{Digit} (= \p{General_Category=
  1652. Decimal_Number}) (411)
  1653. \p{New_Tai_Lue} \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue} (Short: \p{Talu};
  1654. NOT \p{Block=New_Tai_Lue}) (83)
  1655. \p{NFC_QC: *} \p{NFC_Quick_Check: *}
  1656. \p{NFC_Quick_Check: M} \p{NFC_Quick_Check=Maybe} (103)
  1657. \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Maybe} (Short: \p{NFCQC=M}) (103)
  1658. \p{NFC_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFC_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
  1659. \P{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFC_QC} NOR
  1660. \P{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
  1661. \P{Is_NFC_QC}) (1118)
  1662. \p{NFC_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFCQC=N}; NOT
  1663. \P{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFC_QC} NOR
  1664. \P{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
  1665. \P{Is_NFC_QC}) (1118)
  1666. \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFC_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
  1667. \p{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFC_QC} NOR
  1668. \p{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
  1669. \p{Is_NFC_QC}) (1_112_891)
  1670. \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFCQC=Y}; NOT
  1671. \p{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFC_QC} NOR
  1672. \p{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
  1673. \p{Is_NFC_QC}) (1_112_891)
  1674. \p{NFD_QC: *} \p{NFD_Quick_Check: *}
  1675. \p{NFD_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFD_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
  1676. \P{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFD_QC} NOR
  1677. \P{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
  1678. \P{Is_NFD_QC}) (13_221)
  1679. \p{NFD_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFDQC=N}; NOT
  1680. \P{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFD_QC} NOR
  1681. \P{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
  1682. \P{Is_NFD_QC}) (13_221)
  1683. \p{NFD_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFD_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
  1684. \p{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFD_QC} NOR
  1685. \p{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
  1686. \p{Is_NFD_QC}) (1_100_891)
  1687. \p{NFD_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFDQC=Y}; NOT
  1688. \p{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFD_QC} NOR
  1689. \p{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
  1690. \p{Is_NFD_QC}) (1_100_891)
  1691. \p{NFKC_QC: *} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: *}
  1692. \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: M} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=Maybe} (103)
  1693. \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Maybe} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=M}) (103)
  1694. \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
  1695. \P{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKC_QC} NOR
  1696. \P{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
  1697. \P{Is_NFKC_QC}) (4597)
  1698. \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=N}; NOT
  1699. \P{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKC_QC} NOR
  1700. \P{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
  1701. \P{Is_NFKC_QC}) (4597)
  1702. \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
  1703. \p{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKC_QC} NOR
  1704. \p{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
  1705. \p{Is_NFKC_QC}) (1_109_412)
  1706. \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=Y}; NOT
  1707. \p{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKC_QC} NOR
  1708. \p{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
  1709. \p{Is_NFKC_QC}) (1_109_412)
  1710. \p{NFKD_QC: *} \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: *}
  1711. \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFKD_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
  1712. \P{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKD_QC} NOR
  1713. \P{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
  1714. \P{Is_NFKD_QC}) (16_688)
  1715. \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFKDQC=N}; NOT
  1716. \P{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKD_QC} NOR
  1717. \P{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
  1718. \P{Is_NFKD_QC}) (16_688)
  1719. \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFKD_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
  1720. \p{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKD_QC} NOR
  1721. \p{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
  1722. \p{Is_NFKD_QC}) (1_097_424)
  1723. \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFKDQC=Y}; NOT
  1724. \p{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKD_QC} NOR
  1725. \p{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
  1726. \p{Is_NFKD_QC}) (1_097_424)
  1727. \p{Nko} \p{Script=Nko} (NOT \p{NKo}) (59)
  1728. \p{Nkoo} \p{Nko} (= \p{Script=Nko}) (NOT \p{NKo})
  1729. (59)
  1730. \p{Nl} \p{Letter_Number} (= \p{General_Category=
  1731. Letter_Number}) (224)
  1732. \p{No} \p{Other_Number} (= \p{General_Category=
  1733. Other_Number}) (429)
  1734. X \p{No_Block} \p{Block=No_Block} (864_192)
  1735. \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point} \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point=Y} (Short:
  1736. \p{NChar}) (66)
  1737. \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: N*} (Short: \p{NChar=N}, \P{NChar})
  1738. (1_114_046)
  1739. \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: Y*} (Short: \p{NChar=Y}, \p{NChar})
  1740. (66)
  1741. \p{Nonspacing_Mark} \p{General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark}
  1742. (Short: \p{Mn}) (1162)
  1743. \p{Nt: *} \p{Numeric_Type: *}
  1744. \p{Number} \p{General_Category=Number} (Short: \p{N})
  1745. (1064)
  1746. X \p{Number_Forms} \p{Block=Number_Forms} (64)
  1747. \p{Numeric_Type: De} \p{Numeric_Type=Decimal} (411)
  1748. \p{Numeric_Type: Decimal} (Short: \p{Nt=De}) (411)
  1749. \p{Numeric_Type: Di} \p{Numeric_Type=Digit} (118)
  1750. \p{Numeric_Type: Digit} (Short: \p{Nt=Di}) (118)
  1751. \p{Numeric_Type: None} (Short: \p{Nt=None}) (1_112_971)
  1752. \p{Numeric_Type: Nu} \p{Numeric_Type=Numeric} (612)
  1753. \p{Numeric_Type: Numeric} (Short: \p{Nt=Nu}) (612)
  1754. T \p{Numeric_Value: -1/2} (Short: \p{Nv=-1/2}) (1)
  1755. T \p{Numeric_Value: 0} (Short: \p{Nv=0}) (55)
  1756. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/16} (Short: \p{Nv=1/16}) (2)
  1757. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/10} (Short: \p{Nv=1/10}) (1)
  1758. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/9} (Short: \p{Nv=1/9}) (1)
  1759. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/8} (Short: \p{Nv=1/8}) (4)
  1760. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/7} (Short: \p{Nv=1/7}) (1)
  1761. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/6} (Short: \p{Nv=1/6}) (2)
  1762. T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/16} (Short: \p{Nv=3/16}) (2)
  1763. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/5} (Short: \p{Nv=1/5}) (1)
  1764. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/4} (Short: \p{Nv=1/4}) (8)
  1765. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/3} (Short: \p{Nv=1/3}) (4)
  1766. T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/8} (Short: \p{Nv=3/8}) (1)
  1767. T \p{Numeric_Value: 2/5} (Short: \p{Nv=2/5}) (1)
  1768. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/2} (Short: \p{Nv=1/2}) (9)
  1769. T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/5} (Short: \p{Nv=3/5}) (1)
  1770. T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/8} (Short: \p{Nv=5/8}) (1)
  1771. T \p{Numeric_Value: 2/3} (Short: \p{Nv=2/3}) (5)
  1772. T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/4} (Short: \p{Nv=3/4}) (5)
  1773. T \p{Numeric_Value: 4/5} (Short: \p{Nv=4/5}) (1)
  1774. T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/6} (Short: \p{Nv=5/6}) (2)
  1775. T \p{Numeric_Value: 7/8} (Short: \p{Nv=7/8}) (1)
  1776. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1} (Short: \p{Nv=1}) (91)
  1777. T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/2} (Short: \p{Nv=3/2}) (1)
  1778. T \p{Numeric_Value: 2} (Short: \p{Nv=2}) (94)
  1779. T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/2} (Short: \p{Nv=5/2}) (1)
  1780. T \p{Numeric_Value: 3} (Short: \p{Nv=3}) (96)
  1781. T \p{Numeric_Value: 7/2} (Short: \p{Nv=7/2}) (1)
  1782. T \p{Numeric_Value: 4} (Short: \p{Nv=4}) (87)
  1783. T \p{Numeric_Value: 9/2} (Short: \p{Nv=9/2}) (1)
  1784. T \p{Numeric_Value: 5} (Short: \p{Nv=5}) (84)
  1785. T \p{Numeric_Value: 11/2} (Short: \p{Nv=11/2}) (1)
  1786. T \p{Numeric_Value: 6} (Short: \p{Nv=6}) (76)
  1787. T \p{Numeric_Value: 13/2} (Short: \p{Nv=13/2}) (1)
  1788. T \p{Numeric_Value: 7} (Short: \p{Nv=7}) (75)
  1789. T \p{Numeric_Value: 15/2} (Short: \p{Nv=15/2}) (1)
  1790. T \p{Numeric_Value: 8} (Short: \p{Nv=8}) (71)
  1791. T \p{Numeric_Value: 17/2} (Short: \p{Nv=17/2}) (1)
  1792. T \p{Numeric_Value: 9} (Short: \p{Nv=9}) (75)
  1793. T \p{Numeric_Value: 10} (Short: \p{Nv=10}) (38)
  1794. T \p{Numeric_Value: 11} (Short: \p{Nv=11}) (6)
  1795. T \p{Numeric_Value: 12} (Short: \p{Nv=12}) (6)
  1796. T \p{Numeric_Value: 13} (Short: \p{Nv=13}) (4)
  1797. T \p{Numeric_Value: 14} (Short: \p{Nv=14}) (4)
  1798. T \p{Numeric_Value: 15} (Short: \p{Nv=15}) (4)
  1799. T \p{Numeric_Value: 16} (Short: \p{Nv=16}) (5)
  1800. T \p{Numeric_Value: 17} (Short: \p{Nv=17}) (5)
  1801. T \p{Numeric_Value: 18} (Short: \p{Nv=18}) (5)
  1802. T \p{Numeric_Value: 19} (Short: \p{Nv=19}) (5)
  1803. T \p{Numeric_Value: 20} (Short: \p{Nv=20}) (17)
  1804. T \p{Numeric_Value: 21} (Short: \p{Nv=21}) (1)
  1805. T \p{Numeric_Value: 22} (Short: \p{Nv=22}) (1)
  1806. T \p{Numeric_Value: 23} (Short: \p{Nv=23}) (1)
  1807. T \p{Numeric_Value: 24} (Short: \p{Nv=24}) (1)
  1808. T \p{Numeric_Value: 25} (Short: \p{Nv=25}) (1)
  1809. T \p{Numeric_Value: 26} (Short: \p{Nv=26}) (1)
  1810. T \p{Numeric_Value: 27} (Short: \p{Nv=27}) (1)
  1811. T \p{Numeric_Value: 28} (Short: \p{Nv=28}) (1)
  1812. T \p{Numeric_Value: 29} (Short: \p{Nv=29}) (1)
  1813. T \p{Numeric_Value: 30} (Short: \p{Nv=30}) (9)
  1814. T \p{Numeric_Value: 31} (Short: \p{Nv=31}) (1)
  1815. T \p{Numeric_Value: 32} (Short: \p{Nv=32}) (1)
  1816. T \p{Numeric_Value: 33} (Short: \p{Nv=33}) (1)
  1817. T \p{Numeric_Value: 34} (Short: \p{Nv=34}) (1)
  1818. T \p{Numeric_Value: 35} (Short: \p{Nv=35}) (1)
  1819. T \p{Numeric_Value: 36} (Short: \p{Nv=36}) (1)
  1820. T \p{Numeric_Value: 37} (Short: \p{Nv=37}) (1)
  1821. T \p{Numeric_Value: 38} (Short: \p{Nv=38}) (1)
  1822. T \p{Numeric_Value: 39} (Short: \p{Nv=39}) (1)
  1823. T \p{Numeric_Value: 40} (Short: \p{Nv=40}) (8)
  1824. T \p{Numeric_Value: 41} (Short: \p{Nv=41}) (1)
  1825. T \p{Numeric_Value: 42} (Short: \p{Nv=42}) (1)
  1826. T \p{Numeric_Value: 43} (Short: \p{Nv=43}) (1)
  1827. T \p{Numeric_Value: 44} (Short: \p{Nv=44}) (1)
  1828. T \p{Numeric_Value: 45} (Short: \p{Nv=45}) (1)
  1829. T \p{Numeric_Value: 46} (Short: \p{Nv=46}) (1)
  1830. T \p{Numeric_Value: 47} (Short: \p{Nv=47}) (1)
  1831. T \p{Numeric_Value: 48} (Short: \p{Nv=48}) (1)
  1832. T \p{Numeric_Value: 49} (Short: \p{Nv=49}) (1)
  1833. T \p{Numeric_Value: 50} (Short: \p{Nv=50}) (18)
  1834. T \p{Numeric_Value: 60} (Short: \p{Nv=60}) (4)
  1835. T \p{Numeric_Value: 70} (Short: \p{Nv=70}) (4)
  1836. T \p{Numeric_Value: 80} (Short: \p{Nv=80}) (4)
  1837. T \p{Numeric_Value: 90} (Short: \p{Nv=90}) (5)
  1838. T \p{Numeric_Value: 100} (Short: \p{Nv=100}) (19)
  1839. T \p{Numeric_Value: 200} (Short: \p{Nv=200}) (2)
  1840. T \p{Numeric_Value: 300} (Short: \p{Nv=300}) (3)
  1841. T \p{Numeric_Value: 400} (Short: \p{Nv=400}) (2)
  1842. T \p{Numeric_Value: 500} (Short: \p{Nv=500}) (12)
  1843. T \p{Numeric_Value: 600} (Short: \p{Nv=600}) (2)
  1844. T \p{Numeric_Value: 700} (Short: \p{Nv=700}) (2)
  1845. T \p{Numeric_Value: 800} (Short: \p{Nv=800}) (2)
  1846. T \p{Numeric_Value: 900} (Short: \p{Nv=900}) (3)
  1847. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1000} (Short: \p{Nv=1000}) (16)
  1848. T \p{Numeric_Value: 2000} (Short: \p{Nv=2000}) (1)
  1849. T \p{Numeric_Value: 3000} (Short: \p{Nv=3000}) (1)
  1850. T \p{Numeric_Value: 4000} (Short: \p{Nv=4000}) (1)
  1851. T \p{Numeric_Value: 5000} (Short: \p{Nv=5000}) (5)
  1852. T \p{Numeric_Value: 6000} (Short: \p{Nv=6000}) (1)
  1853. T \p{Numeric_Value: 7000} (Short: \p{Nv=7000}) (1)
  1854. T \p{Numeric_Value: 8000} (Short: \p{Nv=8000}) (1)
  1855. T \p{Numeric_Value: 9000} (Short: \p{Nv=9000}) (1)
  1856. T \p{Numeric_Value: 10000} (= 1.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=10000}) (7)
  1857. T \p{Numeric_Value: 20000} (= 2.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=20000}) (1)
  1858. T \p{Numeric_Value: 30000} (= 3.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=30000}) (1)
  1859. T \p{Numeric_Value: 40000} (= 4.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=40000}) (1)
  1860. T \p{Numeric_Value: 50000} (= 5.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=50000}) (4)
  1861. T \p{Numeric_Value: 60000} (= 6.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=60000}) (1)
  1862. T \p{Numeric_Value: 70000} (= 7.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=70000}) (1)
  1863. T \p{Numeric_Value: 80000} (= 8.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=80000}) (1)
  1864. T \p{Numeric_Value: 90000} (= 9.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=90000}) (1)
  1865. T \p{Numeric_Value: 100000} (= 1.0e+05) (Short: \p{Nv=100000}) (1)
  1866. T \p{Numeric_Value: 100000000} (= 1.0e+08) (Short: \p{Nv=100000000})
  1867. (2)
  1868. T \p{Numeric_Value: 1000000000000} (= 1.0e+12) (Short: \p{Nv=
  1869. 1000000000000}) (1)
  1870. \p{Numeric_Value: NaN} (Short: \p{Nv=NaN}) (1_112_971)
  1871. \p{Nv: *} \p{Numeric_Value: *}
  1872. D \p{OAlpha} \p{Other_Alphabetic} (=
  1873. \p{Other_Alphabetic=Y}) (759)
  1874. D \p{OAlpha: *} \p{Other_Alphabetic: *}
  1875. D \p{ODI} \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} (=
  1876. \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=
  1877. Y}) (3778)
  1878. D \p{ODI: *} \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: *}
  1879. \p{Ogam} \p{Ogham} (= \p{Script=Ogham}) (NOT
  1880. \p{Block=Ogham}) (29)
  1881. \p{Ogham} \p{Script=Ogham} (Short: \p{Ogam}; NOT
  1882. \p{Block=Ogham}) (29)
  1883. D \p{OGr_Ext} \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend} (=
  1884. \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend=Y}) (23)
  1885. D \p{OGr_Ext: *} \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend: *}
  1886. D \p{OIDC} \p{Other_ID_Continue} (=
  1887. \p{Other_ID_Continue=Y}) (11)
  1888. D \p{OIDC: *} \p{Other_ID_Continue: *}
  1889. D \p{OIDS} \p{Other_ID_Start} (= \p{Other_ID_Start=
  1890. Y}) (4)
  1891. D \p{OIDS: *} \p{Other_ID_Start: *}
  1892. \p{Ol_Chiki} \p{Script=Ol_Chiki} (Short: \p{Olck}) (48)
  1893. \p{Olck} \p{Ol_Chiki} (= \p{Script=Ol_Chiki}) (48)
  1894. \p{Old_Italic} \p{Script=Old_Italic} (Short: \p{Ital};
  1895. NOT \p{Block=Old_Italic}) (35)
  1896. \p{Old_Persian} \p{Script=Old_Persian} (Short: \p{Xpeo};
  1897. NOT \p{Block=Old_Persian}) (50)
  1898. \p{Old_South_Arabian} \p{Script=Old_South_Arabian} (Short:
  1899. \p{Sarb}) (32)
  1900. \p{Old_Turkic} \p{Script=Old_Turkic} (Short: \p{Orkh};
  1901. NOT \p{Block=Old_Turkic}) (73)
  1902. D \p{OLower} \p{Other_Lowercase} (= \p{Other_Lowercase=
  1903. Y}) (159)
  1904. D \p{OLower: *} \p{Other_Lowercase: *}
  1905. D \p{OMath} \p{Other_Math} (= \p{Other_Math=Y}) (1216)
  1906. D \p{OMath: *} \p{Other_Math: *}
  1907. \p{Open_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation}
  1908. (Short: \p{Ps}) (72)
  1909. X \p{Optical_Character_Recognition} \p{Block=
  1910. Optical_Character_Recognition} (32)
  1911. \p{Oriya} \p{Script=Oriya} (Short: \p{Orya}; NOT
  1912. \p{Block=Oriya}) (84)
  1913. \p{Orkh} \p{Old_Turkic} (= \p{Script=Old_Turkic})
  1914. (NOT \p{Block=Old_Turkic}) (73)
  1915. \p{Orya} \p{Oriya} (= \p{Script=Oriya}) (NOT
  1916. \p{Block=Oriya}) (84)
  1917. \p{Osma} \p{Osmanya} (= \p{Script=Osmanya}) (NOT
  1918. \p{Block=Osmanya}) (40)
  1919. \p{Osmanya} \p{Script=Osmanya} (Short: \p{Osma}; NOT
  1920. \p{Block=Osmanya}) (40)
  1921. \p{Other} \p{General_Category=Other} (Short: \p{C})
  1922. (1_006_956)
  1923. D \p{Other_Alphabetic} \p{Other_Alphabetic=Y} (Short: \p{OAlpha})
  1924. (759)
  1925. D \p{Other_Alphabetic: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
  1926. the Alphabetic property (which should be
  1927. used instead) and not intended to be
  1928. used stand-alone (Short: \p{OAlpha=N},
  1929. \P{OAlpha}) (1_113_353)
  1930. D \p{Other_Alphabetic: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
  1931. the Alphabetic property (which should be
  1932. used instead) and not intended to be
  1933. used stand-alone (Short: \p{OAlpha=Y},
  1934. \p{OAlpha}) (759)
  1935. D \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point}
  1936. \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=Y}
  1937. (Short: \p{ODI}) (3778)
  1938. D \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: N*} Used by Unicode
  1939. internally for generating the
  1940. Default_Ignorable_Code_Point property
  1941. (which should be used instead) and not
  1942. intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
  1943. \p{ODI=N}, \P{ODI}) (1_110_334)
  1944. D \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: Y*} Used by Unicode
  1945. internally for generating the
  1946. Default_Ignorable_Code_Point property
  1947. (which should be used instead) and not
  1948. intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
  1949. \p{ODI=Y}, \p{ODI}) (3778)
  1950. D \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend} \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend=Y} (Short:
  1951. \p{OGrExt}) (23)
  1952. D \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend: N*} Used by Unicode internally for
  1953. generating the Grapheme_Extend property
  1954. (which should be used instead) and not
  1955. intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
  1956. \p{OGrExt=N}, \P{OGrExt}) (1_114_089)
  1957. D \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for
  1958. generating the Grapheme_Extend property
  1959. (which should be used instead) and not
  1960. intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
  1961. \p{OGrExt=Y}, \p{OGrExt}) (23)
  1962. D \p{Other_ID_Continue} \p{Other_ID_Continue=Y} (Short: \p{OIDC})
  1963. (11)
  1964. D \p{Other_ID_Continue: N*} Used by Unicode internally for
  1965. generating the ID_Continue property
  1966. (which should be used instead) and not
  1967. intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
  1968. \p{OIDC=N}, \P{OIDC}) (1_114_101)
  1969. D \p{Other_ID_Continue: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for
  1970. generating the ID_Continue property
  1971. (which should be used instead) and not
  1972. intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
  1973. \p{OIDC=Y}, \p{OIDC}) (11)
  1974. D \p{Other_ID_Start} \p{Other_ID_Start=Y} (Short: \p{OIDS}) (4)
  1975. D \p{Other_ID_Start: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
  1976. the ID_Start property (which should be
  1977. used instead) and not intended to be
  1978. used stand-alone (Short: \p{OIDS=N},
  1979. \P{OIDS}) (1_114_108)
  1980. D \p{Other_ID_Start: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
  1981. the ID_Start property (which should be
  1982. used instead) and not intended to be
  1983. used stand-alone (Short: \p{OIDS=Y},
  1984. \p{OIDS}) (4)
  1985. \p{Other_Letter} \p{General_Category=Other_Letter} (Short:
  1986. \p{Lo}) (96_128)
  1987. D \p{Other_Lowercase} \p{Other_Lowercase=Y} (Short: \p{OLower})
  1988. (159)
  1989. D \p{Other_Lowercase: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
  1990. the Lowercase property (which should be
  1991. used instead) and not intended to be
  1992. used stand-alone (Short: \p{OLower=N},
  1993. \P{OLower}) (1_113_953)
  1994. D \p{Other_Lowercase: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
  1995. the Lowercase property (which should be
  1996. used instead) and not intended to be
  1997. used stand-alone (Short: \p{OLower=Y},
  1998. \p{OLower}) (159)
  1999. D \p{Other_Math} \p{Other_Math=Y} (Short: \p{OMath}) (1216)
  2000. D \p{Other_Math: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
  2001. the Math property (which should be used
  2002. instead) and not intended to be used
  2003. stand-alone (Short: \p{OMath=N},
  2004. \P{OMath}) (1_112_896)
  2005. D \p{Other_Math: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
  2006. the Math property (which should be used
  2007. instead) and not intended to be used
  2008. stand-alone (Short: \p{OMath=Y},
  2009. \p{OMath}) (1216)
  2010. \p{Other_Number} \p{General_Category=Other_Number} (Short:
  2011. \p{No}) (429)
  2012. \p{Other_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation}
  2013. (Short: \p{Po}) (389)
  2014. \p{Other_Symbol} \p{General_Category=Other_Symbol} (Short:
  2015. \p{So}) (3409)
  2016. D \p{Other_Uppercase} \p{Other_Uppercase=Y} (Short: \p{OUpper})
  2017. (42)
  2018. D \p{Other_Uppercase: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
  2019. the Uppercase property (which should be
  2020. used instead) and not intended to be
  2021. used stand-alone (Short: \p{OUpper=N},
  2022. \P{OUpper}) (1_114_070)
  2023. D \p{Other_Uppercase: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
  2024. the Uppercase property (which should be
  2025. used instead) and not intended to be
  2026. used stand-alone (Short: \p{OUpper=Y},
  2027. \p{OUpper}) (42)
  2028. D \p{OUpper} \p{Other_Uppercase} (= \p{Other_Uppercase=
  2029. Y}) (42)
  2030. D \p{OUpper: *} \p{Other_Uppercase: *}
  2031. \p{P} \p{Punct} (= \p{General_Category=
  2032. Punctuation}) (585)
  2033. \p{Paragraph_Separator} \p{General_Category=Paragraph_Separator}
  2034. (Short: \p{Zp}) (1)
  2035. \p{Pat_Syn} \p{Pattern_Syntax} (= \p{Pattern_Syntax=
  2036. Y}) (2760)
  2037. \p{Pat_Syn: *} \p{Pattern_Syntax: *}
  2038. \p{Pat_WS} \p{Pattern_White_Space} (=
  2039. \p{Pattern_White_Space=Y}) (11)
  2040. \p{Pat_WS: *} \p{Pattern_White_Space: *}
  2041. \p{Pattern_Syntax} \p{Pattern_Syntax=Y} (Short: \p{PatSyn})
  2042. (2760)
  2043. \p{Pattern_Syntax: N*} (Short: \p{PatSyn=N}, \P{PatSyn})
  2044. (1_111_352)
  2045. \p{Pattern_Syntax: Y*} (Short: \p{PatSyn=Y}, \p{PatSyn}) (2760)
  2046. \p{Pattern_White_Space} \p{Pattern_White_Space=Y} (Short:
  2047. \p{PatWS}) (11)
  2048. \p{Pattern_White_Space: N*} (Short: \p{PatWS=N}, \P{PatWS})
  2049. (1_114_101)
  2050. \p{Pattern_White_Space: Y*} (Short: \p{PatWS=Y}, \p{PatWS}) (11)
  2051. \p{Pc} \p{Connector_Punctuation} (=
  2052. \p{General_Category=
  2053. Connector_Punctuation}) (10)
  2054. \p{Pd} \p{Dash_Punctuation} (=
  2055. \p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation})
  2056. (21)
  2057. \p{Pe} \p{Close_Punctuation} (=
  2058. \p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation})
  2059. (71)
  2060. \p{PerlSpace} \s, restricted to ASCII (5)
  2061. \p{PerlWord} \w, restricted to ASCII = [A-Za-z0-9_] (63)
  2062. \p{Pf} \p{Final_Punctuation} (=
  2063. \p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation})
  2064. (10)
  2065. \p{Phag} \p{Phags_Pa} (= \p{Script=Phags_Pa}) (NOT
  2066. \p{Block=Phags_Pa}) (56)
  2067. \p{Phags_Pa} \p{Script=Phags_Pa} (Short: \p{Phag}; NOT
  2068. \p{Block=Phags_Pa}) (56)
  2069. X \p{Phaistos_Disc} \p{Block=Phaistos_Disc} (48)
  2070. \p{Phli} \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (= \p{Script=
  2071. Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (NOT \p{Block=
  2072. Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (27)
  2073. \p{Phnx} \p{Phoenician} (= \p{Script=Phoenician})
  2074. (NOT \p{Block=Phoenician}) (29)
  2075. \p{Phoenician} \p{Script=Phoenician} (Short: \p{Phnx};
  2076. NOT \p{Block=Phoenician}) (29)
  2077. X \p{Phonetic_Extensions} \p{Block=Phonetic_Extensions} (128)
  2078. X \p{Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} \p{Block=
  2079. Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} (64)
  2080. \p{Pi} \p{Initial_Punctuation} (=
  2081. \p{General_Category=
  2082. Initial_Punctuation}) (12)
  2083. \p{Po} \p{Other_Punctuation} (=
  2084. \p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation})
  2085. (389)
  2086. \p{PosixAlnum} [A-Za-z0-9] (62)
  2087. \p{PosixAlpha} [A-Za-z] (52)
  2088. \p{PosixBlank} \t and ' ' (2)
  2089. \p{PosixCntrl} [\x00-\x1F] (33)
  2090. \p{PosixDigit} [0-9] (10)
  2091. \p{PosixGraph} [\x21-\x7E] (94)
  2092. \p{PosixLower} [a-z] (26)
  2093. \p{PosixPrint} [\x20-\x7E] (95)
  2094. \p{PosixPunct} Graphical characters that aren't Word
  2095. characters = [\x21-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-
  2096. \x60\x7B-\x7E] (32)
  2097. \p{PosixSpace} \t \n, \x0B, \f, \r, and ' ' (6)
  2098. \p{PosixUpper} [A-Z] (26)
  2099. T \p{Present_In: 1.1} \p{Age=1.1} (Short: \p{In=1.1}) (Perl
  2100. extension) (33_979)
  2101. T \p{Present_In: 2.0} Code point's usage introduced in version
  2102. 2.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=2.0}) (Perl
  2103. extension) (178_500)
  2104. T \p{Present_In: 2.1} Code point's usage introduced in version
  2105. 2.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=2.1}) (Perl
  2106. extension) (178_502)
  2107. T \p{Present_In: 3.0} Code point's usage introduced in version
  2108. 3.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.0}) (Perl
  2109. extension) (188_809)
  2110. T \p{Present_In: 3.1} Code point's usage introduced in version
  2111. 3.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.1}) (Perl
  2112. extension) (233_787)
  2113. T \p{Present_In: 3.2} Code point's usage introduced in version
  2114. 3.2 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.2}) (Perl
  2115. extension) (234_803)
  2116. T \p{Present_In: 4.0} Code point's usage introduced in version
  2117. 4.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=4.0}) (Perl
  2118. extension) (236_029)
  2119. T \p{Present_In: 4.1} Code point's usage introduced in version
  2120. 4.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=4.1}) (Perl
  2121. extension) (237_302)
  2122. T \p{Present_In: 5.0} Code point's usage introduced in version
  2123. 5.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.0}) (Perl
  2124. extension) (238_671)
  2125. T \p{Present_In: 5.1} Code point's usage introduced in version
  2126. 5.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.1}) (Perl
  2127. extension) (240_295)
  2128. T \p{Present_In: 5.2} Code point's usage introduced in version
  2129. 5.2 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.2}) (Perl
  2130. extension) (246_943)
  2131. \p{Present_In: Unassigned} \p{Age=Unassigned} (Short: \p{In=
  2132. Unassigned}) (Perl extension) (867_169)
  2133. \p{Print} Characters that are graphical plus space
  2134. characters (but no controls) (244_762)
  2135. \p{Private_Use} \p{General_Category=Private_Use} (Short:
  2136. \p{Co}; NOT \p{Private_Use_Area})
  2137. (137_468)
  2138. X \p{Private_Use_Area} \p{Block=Private_Use_Area} (Short:
  2139. \p{InPrivateUse}) (6400)
  2140. \p{Prti} \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} (= \p{Script=
  2141. Inscriptional_Parthian}) (NOT \p{Block=
  2142. Inscriptional_Parthian}) (30)
  2143. \p{Ps} \p{Open_Punctuation} (=
  2144. \p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation})
  2145. (72)
  2146. \p{Punct} \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (Short:
  2147. \p{P}) (585)
  2148. \p{Punctuation} \p{Punct} (= \p{General_Category=
  2149. Punctuation}) (585)
  2150. \p{Qaac} \p{Coptic} (= \p{Script=Coptic}) (NOT
  2151. \p{Block=Coptic}) (135)
  2152. \p{Qaai} \p{Inherited} (= \p{Script=Inherited})
  2153. (523)
  2154. \p{QMark} \p{Quotation_Mark} (= \p{Quotation_Mark=
  2155. Y}) (29)
  2156. \p{QMark: *} \p{Quotation_Mark: *}
  2157. \p{Quotation_Mark} \p{Quotation_Mark=Y} (Short: \p{QMark})
  2158. (29)
  2159. \p{Quotation_Mark: N*} (Short: \p{QMark=N}, \P{QMark}) (1_114_083)
  2160. \p{Quotation_Mark: Y*} (Short: \p{QMark=Y}, \p{QMark}) (29)
  2161. \p{Radical} \p{Radical=Y} (329)
  2162. \p{Radical: N*} (Single: \P{Radical}) (1_113_783)
  2163. \p{Radical: Y*} (Single: \p{Radical}) (329)
  2164. \p{Rejang} \p{Script=Rejang} (Short: \p{Rjng}; NOT
  2165. \p{Block=Rejang}) (37)
  2166. \p{Rjng} \p{Rejang} (= \p{Script=Rejang}) (NOT
  2167. \p{Block=Rejang}) (37)
  2168. X \p{Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} \p{Block=Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} (32)
  2169. \p{Runic} \p{Script=Runic} (Short: \p{Runr}; NOT
  2170. \p{Block=Runic}) (78)
  2171. \p{Runr} \p{Runic} (= \p{Script=Runic}) (NOT
  2172. \p{Block=Runic}) (78)
  2173. \p{S} \p{Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=Symbol})
  2174. (4499)
  2175. \p{Samaritan} \p{Script=Samaritan} (Short: \p{Samr}; NOT
  2176. \p{Block=Samaritan}) (61)
  2177. \p{Samr} \p{Samaritan} (= \p{Script=Samaritan})
  2178. (NOT \p{Block=Samaritan}) (61)
  2179. \p{Sarb} \p{Old_South_Arabian} (= \p{Script=
  2180. Old_South_Arabian}) (32)
  2181. \p{Saur} \p{Saurashtra} (= \p{Script=Saurashtra})
  2182. (NOT \p{Block=Saurashtra}) (81)
  2183. \p{Saurashtra} \p{Script=Saurashtra} (Short: \p{Saur};
  2184. NOT \p{Block=Saurashtra}) (81)
  2185. \p{SB: *} \p{Sentence_Break: *}
  2186. \p{Sc} \p{Currency_Symbol} (=
  2187. \p{General_Category=Currency_Symbol})
  2188. (46)
  2189. \p{Sc: *} \p{Script: *}
  2190. \p{Script: Arab} \p{Script=Arabic} (1030)
  2191. \p{Script: Arabic} (Short: \p{Sc=Arab}, \p{Arab}) (1030)
  2192. \p{Script: Armenian} (Short: \p{Sc=Armn}, \p{Armn}) (90)
  2193. \p{Script: Armi} \p{Script=Imperial_Aramaic} (31)
  2194. \p{Script: Armn} \p{Script=Armenian} (90)
  2195. \p{Script: Avestan} (Short: \p{Sc=Avst}, \p{Avst}) (61)
  2196. \p{Script: Avst} \p{Script=Avestan} (61)
  2197. \p{Script: Bali} \p{Script=Balinese} (121)
  2198. \p{Script: Balinese} (Short: \p{Sc=Bali}, \p{Bali}) (121)
  2199. \p{Script: Bamu} \p{Script=Bamum} (88)
  2200. \p{Script: Bamum} (Short: \p{Sc=Bamu}, \p{Bamu}) (88)
  2201. \p{Script: Beng} \p{Script=Bengali} (92)
  2202. \p{Script: Bengali} (Short: \p{Sc=Beng}, \p{Beng}) (92)
  2203. \p{Script: Bopo} \p{Script=Bopomofo} (65)
  2204. \p{Script: Bopomofo} (Short: \p{Sc=Bopo}, \p{Bopo}) (65)
  2205. \p{Script: Brai} \p{Script=Braille} (256)
  2206. \p{Script: Braille} (Short: \p{Sc=Brai}, \p{Brai}) (256)
  2207. \p{Script: Bugi} \p{Script=Buginese} (30)
  2208. \p{Script: Buginese} (Short: \p{Sc=Bugi}, \p{Bugi}) (30)
  2209. \p{Script: Buhd} \p{Script=Buhid} (20)
  2210. \p{Script: Buhid} (Short: \p{Sc=Buhd}, \p{Buhd}) (20)
  2211. \p{Script: Canadian_Aboriginal} (Short: \p{Sc=Cans}, \p{Cans})
  2212. (710)
  2213. \p{Script: Cans} \p{Script=Canadian_Aboriginal} (710)
  2214. \p{Script: Cari} \p{Script=Carian} (49)
  2215. \p{Script: Carian} (Short: \p{Sc=Cari}, \p{Cari}) (49)
  2216. \p{Script: Cham} (Short: \p{Sc=Cham}, \p{Cham}) (83)
  2217. \p{Script: Cher} \p{Script=Cherokee} (85)
  2218. \p{Script: Cherokee} (Short: \p{Sc=Cher}, \p{Cher}) (85)
  2219. \p{Script: Common} (Short: \p{Sc=Zyyy}, \p{Zyyy}) (5395)
  2220. \p{Script: Copt} \p{Script=Coptic} (135)
  2221. \p{Script: Coptic} (Short: \p{Sc=Copt}, \p{Copt}) (135)
  2222. \p{Script: Cprt} \p{Script=Cypriot} (55)
  2223. \p{Script: Cuneiform} (Short: \p{Sc=Xsux}, \p{Xsux}) (982)
  2224. \p{Script: Cypriot} (Short: \p{Sc=Cprt}, \p{Cprt}) (55)
  2225. \p{Script: Cyrillic} (Short: \p{Sc=Cyrl}, \p{Cyrl}) (404)
  2226. \p{Script: Cyrl} \p{Script=Cyrillic} (404)
  2227. \p{Script: Deseret} (Short: \p{Sc=Dsrt}, \p{Dsrt}) (80)
  2228. \p{Script: Deva} \p{Script=Devanagari} (140)
  2229. \p{Script: Devanagari} (Short: \p{Sc=Deva}, \p{Deva}) (140)
  2230. \p{Script: Dsrt} \p{Script=Deseret} (80)
  2231. \p{Script: Egyp} \p{Script=Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (1071)
  2232. \p{Script: Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Short: \p{Sc=Egyp}, \p{Egyp})
  2233. (1071)
  2234. \p{Script: Ethi} \p{Script=Ethiopic} (461)
  2235. \p{Script: Ethiopic} (Short: \p{Sc=Ethi}, \p{Ethi}) (461)
  2236. \p{Script: Geor} \p{Script=Georgian} (120)
  2237. \p{Script: Georgian} (Short: \p{Sc=Geor}, \p{Geor}) (120)
  2238. \p{Script: Glag} \p{Script=Glagolitic} (94)
  2239. \p{Script: Glagolitic} (Short: \p{Sc=Glag}, \p{Glag}) (94)
  2240. \p{Script: Goth} \p{Script=Gothic} (27)
  2241. \p{Script: Gothic} (Short: \p{Sc=Goth}, \p{Goth}) (27)
  2242. \p{Script: Greek} (Short: \p{Sc=Grek}, \p{Grek}) (511)
  2243. \p{Script: Grek} \p{Script=Greek} (511)
  2244. \p{Script: Gujarati} (Short: \p{Sc=Gujr}, \p{Gujr}) (83)
  2245. \p{Script: Gujr} \p{Script=Gujarati} (83)
  2246. \p{Script: Gurmukhi} (Short: \p{Sc=Guru}, \p{Guru}) (79)
  2247. \p{Script: Guru} \p{Script=Gurmukhi} (79)
  2248. \p{Script: Han} (Short: \p{Sc=Han}, \p{Han}) (75_738)
  2249. \p{Script: Hang} \p{Script=Hangul} (11_737)
  2250. \p{Script: Hangul} (Short: \p{Sc=Hang}, \p{Hang}) (11_737)
  2251. \p{Script: Hani} \p{Script=Han} (75_738)
  2252. \p{Script: Hano} \p{Script=Hanunoo} (21)
  2253. \p{Script: Hanunoo} (Short: \p{Sc=Hano}, \p{Hano}) (21)
  2254. \p{Script: Hebr} \p{Script=Hebrew} (133)
  2255. \p{Script: Hebrew} (Short: \p{Sc=Hebr}, \p{Hebr}) (133)
  2256. \p{Script: Hira} \p{Script=Hiragana} (90)
  2257. \p{Script: Hiragana} (Short: \p{Sc=Hira}, \p{Hira}) (90)
  2258. \p{Script: Imperial_Aramaic} (Short: \p{Sc=Armi}, \p{Armi}) (31)
  2259. \p{Script: Inherited} (Short: \p{Sc=Zinh}, \p{Zinh}) (523)
  2260. \p{Script: Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Short: \p{Sc=Phli}, \p{Phli})
  2261. (27)
  2262. \p{Script: Inscriptional_Parthian} (Short: \p{Sc=Prti}, \p{Prti})
  2263. (30)
  2264. \p{Script: Ital} \p{Script=Old_Italic} (35)
  2265. \p{Script: Java} \p{Script=Javanese} (91)
  2266. \p{Script: Javanese} (Short: \p{Sc=Java}, \p{Java}) (91)
  2267. \p{Script: Kaithi} (Short: \p{Sc=Kthi}, \p{Kthi}) (66)
  2268. \p{Script: Kali} \p{Script=Kayah_Li} (48)
  2269. \p{Script: Kana} \p{Script=Katakana} (299)
  2270. \p{Script: Kannada} (Short: \p{Sc=Knda}, \p{Knda}) (84)
  2271. \p{Script: Katakana} (Short: \p{Sc=Kana}, \p{Kana}) (299)
  2272. \p{Script: Kayah_Li} (Short: \p{Sc=Kali}, \p{Kali}) (48)
  2273. \p{Script: Khar} \p{Script=Kharoshthi} (65)
  2274. \p{Script: Kharoshthi} (Short: \p{Sc=Khar}, \p{Khar}) (65)
  2275. \p{Script: Khmer} (Short: \p{Sc=Khmr}, \p{Khmr}) (146)
  2276. \p{Script: Khmr} \p{Script=Khmer} (146)
  2277. \p{Script: Knda} \p{Script=Kannada} (84)
  2278. \p{Script: Kthi} \p{Script=Kaithi} (66)
  2279. \p{Script: Lana} \p{Script=Tai_Tham} (127)
  2280. \p{Script: Lao} (Short: \p{Sc=Lao}, \p{Lao}) (65)
  2281. \p{Script: Laoo} \p{Script=Lao} (65)
  2282. \p{Script: Latin} (Short: \p{Sc=Latn}, \p{Latn}) (1244)
  2283. \p{Script: Latn} \p{Script=Latin} (1244)
  2284. \p{Script: Lepc} \p{Script=Lepcha} (74)
  2285. \p{Script: Lepcha} (Short: \p{Sc=Lepc}, \p{Lepc}) (74)
  2286. \p{Script: Limb} \p{Script=Limbu} (66)
  2287. \p{Script: Limbu} (Short: \p{Sc=Limb}, \p{Limb}) (66)
  2288. \p{Script: Linb} \p{Script=Linear_B} (211)
  2289. \p{Script: Linear_B} (Short: \p{Sc=Linb}, \p{Linb}) (211)
  2290. \p{Script: Lisu} (Short: \p{Sc=Lisu}, \p{Lisu}) (48)
  2291. \p{Script: Lyci} \p{Script=Lycian} (29)
  2292. \p{Script: Lycian} (Short: \p{Sc=Lyci}, \p{Lyci}) (29)
  2293. \p{Script: Lydi} \p{Script=Lydian} (27)
  2294. \p{Script: Lydian} (Short: \p{Sc=Lydi}, \p{Lydi}) (27)
  2295. \p{Script: Malayalam} (Short: \p{Sc=Mlym}, \p{Mlym}) (95)
  2296. \p{Script: Meetei_Mayek} (Short: \p{Sc=Mtei}, \p{Mtei}) (56)
  2297. \p{Script: Mlym} \p{Script=Malayalam} (95)
  2298. \p{Script: Mong} \p{Script=Mongolian} (153)
  2299. \p{Script: Mongolian} (Short: \p{Sc=Mong}, \p{Mong}) (153)
  2300. \p{Script: Mtei} \p{Script=Meetei_Mayek} (56)
  2301. \p{Script: Myanmar} (Short: \p{Sc=Mymr}, \p{Mymr}) (188)
  2302. \p{Script: Mymr} \p{Script=Myanmar} (188)
  2303. \p{Script: New_Tai_Lue} (Short: \p{Sc=Talu}, \p{Talu}) (83)
  2304. \p{Script: Nko} (Short: \p{Sc=Nko}, \p{Nko}) (59)
  2305. \p{Script: Nkoo} \p{Script=Nko} (59)
  2306. \p{Script: Ogam} \p{Script=Ogham} (29)
  2307. \p{Script: Ogham} (Short: \p{Sc=Ogam}, \p{Ogam}) (29)
  2308. \p{Script: Ol_Chiki} (Short: \p{Sc=Olck}, \p{Olck}) (48)
  2309. \p{Script: Olck} \p{Script=Ol_Chiki} (48)
  2310. \p{Script: Old_Italic} (Short: \p{Sc=Ital}, \p{Ital}) (35)
  2311. \p{Script: Old_Persian} (Short: \p{Sc=Xpeo}, \p{Xpeo}) (50)
  2312. \p{Script: Old_South_Arabian} (Short: \p{Sc=Sarb}, \p{Sarb}) (32)
  2313. \p{Script: Old_Turkic} (Short: \p{Sc=Orkh}, \p{Orkh}) (73)
  2314. \p{Script: Oriya} (Short: \p{Sc=Orya}, \p{Orya}) (84)
  2315. \p{Script: Orkh} \p{Script=Old_Turkic} (73)
  2316. \p{Script: Orya} \p{Script=Oriya} (84)
  2317. \p{Script: Osma} \p{Script=Osmanya} (40)
  2318. \p{Script: Osmanya} (Short: \p{Sc=Osma}, \p{Osma}) (40)
  2319. \p{Script: Phag} \p{Script=Phags_Pa} (56)
  2320. \p{Script: Phags_Pa} (Short: \p{Sc=Phag}, \p{Phag}) (56)
  2321. \p{Script: Phli} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (27)
  2322. \p{Script: Phnx} \p{Script=Phoenician} (29)
  2323. \p{Script: Phoenician} (Short: \p{Sc=Phnx}, \p{Phnx}) (29)
  2324. \p{Script: Prti} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Parthian} (30)
  2325. \p{Script: Qaac} \p{Script=Coptic} (135)
  2326. \p{Script: Qaai} \p{Script=Inherited} (523)
  2327. \p{Script: Rejang} (Short: \p{Sc=Rjng}, \p{Rjng}) (37)
  2328. \p{Script: Rjng} \p{Script=Rejang} (37)
  2329. \p{Script: Runic} (Short: \p{Sc=Runr}, \p{Runr}) (78)
  2330. \p{Script: Runr} \p{Script=Runic} (78)
  2331. \p{Script: Samaritan} (Short: \p{Sc=Samr}, \p{Samr}) (61)
  2332. \p{Script: Samr} \p{Script=Samaritan} (61)
  2333. \p{Script: Sarb} \p{Script=Old_South_Arabian} (32)
  2334. \p{Script: Saur} \p{Script=Saurashtra} (81)
  2335. \p{Script: Saurashtra} (Short: \p{Sc=Saur}, \p{Saur}) (81)
  2336. \p{Script: Shavian} (Short: \p{Sc=Shaw}, \p{Shaw}) (48)
  2337. \p{Script: Shaw} \p{Script=Shavian} (48)
  2338. \p{Script: Sinh} \p{Script=Sinhala} (80)
  2339. \p{Script: Sinhala} (Short: \p{Sc=Sinh}, \p{Sinh}) (80)
  2340. \p{Script: Sund} \p{Script=Sundanese} (55)
  2341. \p{Script: Sundanese} (Short: \p{Sc=Sund}, \p{Sund}) (55)
  2342. \p{Script: Sylo} \p{Script=Syloti_Nagri} (44)
  2343. \p{Script: Syloti_Nagri} (Short: \p{Sc=Sylo}, \p{Sylo}) (44)
  2344. \p{Script: Syrc} \p{Script=Syriac} (77)
  2345. \p{Script: Syriac} (Short: \p{Sc=Syrc}, \p{Syrc}) (77)
  2346. \p{Script: Tagalog} (Short: \p{Sc=Tglg}, \p{Tglg}) (20)
  2347. \p{Script: Tagb} \p{Script=Tagbanwa} (18)
  2348. \p{Script: Tagbanwa} (Short: \p{Sc=Tagb}, \p{Tagb}) (18)
  2349. \p{Script: Tai_Le} (Short: \p{Sc=Tale}, \p{Tale}) (35)
  2350. \p{Script: Tai_Tham} (Short: \p{Sc=Lana}, \p{Lana}) (127)
  2351. \p{Script: Tai_Viet} (Short: \p{Sc=Tavt}, \p{Tavt}) (72)
  2352. \p{Script: Tale} \p{Script=Tai_Le} (35)
  2353. \p{Script: Talu} \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue} (83)
  2354. \p{Script: Tamil} (Short: \p{Sc=Taml}, \p{Taml}) (72)
  2355. \p{Script: Taml} \p{Script=Tamil} (72)
  2356. \p{Script: Tavt} \p{Script=Tai_Viet} (72)
  2357. \p{Script: Telu} \p{Script=Telugu} (93)
  2358. \p{Script: Telugu} (Short: \p{Sc=Telu}, \p{Telu}) (93)
  2359. \p{Script: Tfng} \p{Script=Tifinagh} (55)
  2360. \p{Script: Tglg} \p{Script=Tagalog} (20)
  2361. \p{Script: Thaa} \p{Script=Thaana} (50)
  2362. \p{Script: Thaana} (Short: \p{Sc=Thaa}, \p{Thaa}) (50)
  2363. \p{Script: Thai} (Short: \p{Sc=Thai}, \p{Thai}) (86)
  2364. \p{Script: Tibetan} (Short: \p{Sc=Tibt}, \p{Tibt}) (201)
  2365. \p{Script: Tibt} \p{Script=Tibetan} (201)
  2366. \p{Script: Tifinagh} (Short: \p{Sc=Tfng}, \p{Tfng}) (55)
  2367. \p{Script: Ugar} \p{Script=Ugaritic} (31)
  2368. \p{Script: Ugaritic} (Short: \p{Sc=Ugar}, \p{Ugar}) (31)
  2369. \p{Script: Unknown} (Short: \p{Sc=Zzzz}, \p{Zzzz}) (1_006_751)
  2370. \p{Script: Vai} (Short: \p{Sc=Vai}, \p{Vai}) (300)
  2371. \p{Script: Vaii} \p{Script=Vai} (300)
  2372. \p{Script: Xpeo} \p{Script=Old_Persian} (50)
  2373. \p{Script: Xsux} \p{Script=Cuneiform} (982)
  2374. \p{Script: Yi} (Short: \p{Sc=Yi}, \p{Yi}) (1220)
  2375. \p{Script: Yiii} \p{Script=Yi} (1220)
  2376. \p{Script: Zinh} \p{Script=Inherited} (523)
  2377. \p{Script: Zyyy} \p{Script=Common} (5395)
  2378. \p{Script: Zzzz} \p{Script=Unknown} (1_006_751)
  2379. \p{SD} \p{Soft_Dotted} (= \p{Soft_Dotted=Y}) (46)
  2380. \p{SD: *} \p{Soft_Dotted: *}
  2381. \p{Sentence_Break: AT} \p{Sentence_Break=ATerm} (4)
  2382. \p{Sentence_Break: ATerm} (Short: \p{SB=AT}) (4)
  2383. \p{Sentence_Break: CL} \p{Sentence_Break=Close} (177)
  2384. \p{Sentence_Break: Close} (Short: \p{SB=CL}) (177)
  2385. \p{Sentence_Break: CR} (Short: \p{SB=CR}) (1)
  2386. \p{Sentence_Break: EX} \p{Sentence_Break=Extend} (1455)
  2387. \p{Sentence_Break: Extend} (Short: \p{SB=EX}) (1455)
  2388. \p{Sentence_Break: FO} \p{Sentence_Break=Format} (138)
  2389. \p{Sentence_Break: Format} (Short: \p{SB=FO}) (138)
  2390. \p{Sentence_Break: LE} \p{Sentence_Break=OLetter} (96_405)
  2391. \p{Sentence_Break: LF} (Short: \p{SB=LF}) (1)
  2392. \p{Sentence_Break: LO} \p{Sentence_Break=Lower} (1907)
  2393. \p{Sentence_Break: Lower} (Short: \p{SB=LO}) (1907)
  2394. \p{Sentence_Break: NU} \p{Sentence_Break=Numeric} (403)
  2395. \p{Sentence_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{SB=NU}) (403)
  2396. \p{Sentence_Break: OLetter} (Short: \p{SB=LE}) (96_405)
  2397. \p{Sentence_Break: Other} (Short: \p{SB=XX}) (1_012_008)
  2398. \p{Sentence_Break: SC} \p{Sentence_Break=SContinue} (26)
  2399. \p{Sentence_Break: SContinue} (Short: \p{SB=SC}) (26)
  2400. \p{Sentence_Break: SE} \p{Sentence_Break=Sep} (3)
  2401. \p{Sentence_Break: Sep} (Short: \p{SB=SE}) (3)
  2402. \p{Sentence_Break: Sp} (Short: \p{SB=Sp}) (21)
  2403. \p{Sentence_Break: ST} \p{Sentence_Break=STerm} (63)
  2404. \p{Sentence_Break: STerm} (Short: \p{SB=ST}) (63)
  2405. \p{Sentence_Break: UP} \p{Sentence_Break=Upper} (1500)
  2406. \p{Sentence_Break: Upper} (Short: \p{SB=UP}) (1500)
  2407. \p{Sentence_Break: XX} \p{Sentence_Break=Other} (1_012_008)
  2408. \p{Separator} \p{General_Category=Separator} (Short:
  2409. \p{Z}) (20)
  2410. \p{Shavian} \p{Script=Shavian} (Short: \p{Shaw}) (48)
  2411. \p{Shaw} \p{Shavian} (= \p{Script=Shavian}) (48)
  2412. \p{Sinh} \p{Sinhala} (= \p{Script=Sinhala}) (NOT
  2413. \p{Block=Sinhala}) (80)
  2414. \p{Sinhala} \p{Script=Sinhala} (Short: \p{Sinh}; NOT
  2415. \p{Block=Sinhala}) (80)
  2416. \p{Sk} \p{Modifier_Symbol} (=
  2417. \p{General_Category=Modifier_Symbol})
  2418. (99)
  2419. \p{Sm} \p{Math_Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=
  2420. Math_Symbol}) (945)
  2421. X \p{Small_Form_Variants} \p{Block=Small_Form_Variants} (32)
  2422. \p{So} \p{Other_Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=
  2423. Other_Symbol}) (3409)
  2424. \p{Soft_Dotted} \p{Soft_Dotted=Y} (Short: \p{SD}) (46)
  2425. \p{Soft_Dotted: N*} (Short: \p{SD=N}, \P{SD}) (1_114_066)
  2426. \p{Soft_Dotted: Y*} (Short: \p{SD=Y}, \p{SD}) (46)
  2427. \p{Space} \p{White_Space=Y} \s including beyond
  2428. ASCII plus vertical tab (26)
  2429. \p{Space: *} \p{White_Space: *}
  2430. \p{Space_Separator} \p{General_Category=Space_Separator}
  2431. (Short: \p{Zs}) (18)
  2432. \p{SpacePerl} \s, including beyond ASCII (25)
  2433. \p{Spacing_Mark} \p{General_Category=Spacing_Mark} (Short:
  2434. \p{Mc}) (276)
  2435. X \p{Spacing_Modifier_Letters} \p{Block=Spacing_Modifier_Letters}
  2436. (80)
  2437. X \p{Specials} \p{Block=Specials} (16)
  2438. \p{STerm} \p{STerm=Y} (66)
  2439. \p{STerm: N*} (Single: \P{STerm}) (1_114_046)
  2440. \p{STerm: Y*} (Single: \p{STerm}) (66)
  2441. \p{Sund} \p{Sundanese} (= \p{Script=Sundanese})
  2442. (NOT \p{Block=Sundanese}) (55)
  2443. \p{Sundanese} \p{Script=Sundanese} (Short: \p{Sund}; NOT
  2444. \p{Block=Sundanese}) (55)
  2445. X \p{Superscripts_And_Subscripts} \p{Block=
  2446. Superscripts_And_Subscripts} (48)
  2447. X \p{Supplemental_Arrows_A} \p{Block=Supplemental_Arrows_A} (16)
  2448. X \p{Supplemental_Arrows_B} \p{Block=Supplemental_Arrows_B} (128)
  2449. X \p{Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators} \p{Block=
  2450. Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators}
  2451. (256)
  2452. X \p{Supplemental_Punctuation} \p{Block=Supplemental_Punctuation}
  2453. (128)
  2454. X \p{Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A} \p{Block=
  2455. Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A}
  2456. (65_536)
  2457. X \p{Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B} \p{Block=
  2458. Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B}
  2459. (65_536)
  2460. \p{Surrogate} \p{General_Category=Surrogate} (Short:
  2461. \p{Cs}) (2048)
  2462. \p{Sylo} \p{Syloti_Nagri} (= \p{Script=
  2463. Syloti_Nagri}) (NOT \p{Block=
  2464. Syloti_Nagri}) (44)
  2465. \p{Syloti_Nagri} \p{Script=Syloti_Nagri} (Short: \p{Sylo};
  2466. NOT \p{Block=Syloti_Nagri}) (44)
  2467. \p{Symbol} \p{General_Category=Symbol} (Short: \p{S})
  2468. (4499)
  2469. \p{Syrc} \p{Syriac} (= \p{Script=Syriac}) (NOT
  2470. \p{Block=Syriac}) (77)
  2471. \p{Syriac} \p{Script=Syriac} (Short: \p{Syrc}; NOT
  2472. \p{Block=Syriac}) (77)
  2473. \p{Tagalog} \p{Script=Tagalog} (Short: \p{Tglg}; NOT
  2474. \p{Block=Tagalog}) (20)
  2475. \p{Tagb} \p{Tagbanwa} (= \p{Script=Tagbanwa}) (NOT
  2476. \p{Block=Tagbanwa}) (18)
  2477. \p{Tagbanwa} \p{Script=Tagbanwa} (Short: \p{Tagb}; NOT
  2478. \p{Block=Tagbanwa}) (18)
  2479. X \p{Tags} \p{Block=Tags} (128)
  2480. \p{Tai_Le} \p{Script=Tai_Le} (Short: \p{Tale}; NOT
  2481. \p{Block=Tai_Le}) (35)
  2482. \p{Tai_Tham} \p{Script=Tai_Tham} (Short: \p{Lana}; NOT
  2483. \p{Block=Tai_Tham}) (127)
  2484. \p{Tai_Viet} \p{Script=Tai_Viet} (Short: \p{Tavt}; NOT
  2485. \p{Block=Tai_Viet}) (72)
  2486. X \p{Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} \p{Block=Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} (96)
  2487. \p{Tale} \p{Tai_Le} (= \p{Script=Tai_Le}) (NOT
  2488. \p{Block=Tai_Le}) (35)
  2489. \p{Talu} \p{New_Tai_Lue} (= \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue})
  2490. (NOT \p{Block=New_Tai_Lue}) (83)
  2491. \p{Tamil} \p{Script=Tamil} (Short: \p{Taml}; NOT
  2492. \p{Block=Tamil}) (72)
  2493. \p{Taml} \p{Tamil} (= \p{Script=Tamil}) (NOT
  2494. \p{Block=Tamil}) (72)
  2495. \p{Tavt} \p{Tai_Viet} (= \p{Script=Tai_Viet}) (NOT
  2496. \p{Block=Tai_Viet}) (72)
  2497. \p{Telu} \p{Telugu} (= \p{Script=Telugu}) (NOT
  2498. \p{Block=Telugu}) (93)
  2499. \p{Telugu} \p{Script=Telugu} (Short: \p{Telu}; NOT
  2500. \p{Block=Telugu}) (93)
  2501. \p{Term} \p{Terminal_Punctuation} (=
  2502. \p{Terminal_Punctuation=Y}) (161)
  2503. \p{Term: *} \p{Terminal_Punctuation: *}
  2504. \p{Terminal_Punctuation} \p{Terminal_Punctuation=Y} (Short:
  2505. \p{Term}) (161)
  2506. \p{Terminal_Punctuation: N*} (Short: \p{Term=N}, \P{Term})
  2507. (1_113_951)
  2508. \p{Terminal_Punctuation: Y*} (Short: \p{Term=Y}, \p{Term}) (161)
  2509. \p{Tfng} \p{Tifinagh} (= \p{Script=Tifinagh}) (NOT
  2510. \p{Block=Tifinagh}) (55)
  2511. \p{Tglg} \p{Tagalog} (= \p{Script=Tagalog}) (NOT
  2512. \p{Block=Tagalog}) (20)
  2513. \p{Thaa} \p{Thaana} (= \p{Script=Thaana}) (NOT
  2514. \p{Block=Thaana}) (50)
  2515. \p{Thaana} \p{Script=Thaana} (Short: \p{Thaa}; NOT
  2516. \p{Block=Thaana}) (50)
  2517. \p{Thai} \p{Script=Thai} (NOT \p{Block=Thai}) (86)
  2518. \p{Tibetan} \p{Script=Tibetan} (Short: \p{Tibt}; NOT
  2519. \p{Block=Tibetan}) (201)
  2520. \p{Tibt} \p{Tibetan} (= \p{Script=Tibetan}) (NOT
  2521. \p{Block=Tibetan}) (201)
  2522. \p{Tifinagh} \p{Script=Tifinagh} (Short: \p{Tfng}; NOT
  2523. \p{Block=Tifinagh}) (55)
  2524. \p{Title} \p{General_Category=Titlecase_Letter}
  2525. (Short: \p{Lt}) (31)
  2526. \p{Titlecase_Letter} \p{Title} (= \p{General_Category=
  2527. Titlecase_Letter}) (31)
  2528. \p{Ugar} \p{Ugaritic} (= \p{Script=Ugaritic}) (NOT
  2529. \p{Block=Ugaritic}) (31)
  2530. \p{Ugaritic} \p{Script=Ugaritic} (Short: \p{Ugar}; NOT
  2531. \p{Block=Ugaritic}) (31)
  2532. \p{UIdeo} \p{Unified_Ideograph} (=
  2533. \p{Unified_Ideograph=Y}) (74_394)
  2534. \p{UIdeo: *} \p{Unified_Ideograph: *}
  2535. \p{Unassigned} \p{General_Category=Unassigned} (Short:
  2536. \p{Cn}) (867_235)
  2537. X \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics} \p{Block=
  2538. Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics}
  2539. (Short: \p{InCanadianSyllabics}) (640)
  2540. X \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended} \p{Block=
  2541. Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_-
  2542. Extended} (80)
  2543. \p{Unified_Ideograph} \p{Unified_Ideograph=Y} (Short: \p{UIdeo})
  2544. (74_394)
  2545. \p{Unified_Ideograph: N*} (Short: \p{UIdeo=N}, \P{UIdeo})
  2546. (1_039_718)
  2547. \p{Unified_Ideograph: Y*} (Short: \p{UIdeo=Y}, \p{UIdeo}) (74_394)
  2548. \p{Unknown} \p{Script=Unknown} (Short: \p{Zzzz})
  2549. (1_006_751)
  2550. \p{Upper} \p{Uppercase=Y} (1469)
  2551. \p{Upper: *} \p{Uppercase: *}
  2552. \p{Uppercase} \p{Upper} (= \p{Uppercase=Y}) (1469)
  2553. \p{Uppercase: N*} (Short: \p{Upper=N}, \P{Upper}) (1_112_643)
  2554. \p{Uppercase: Y*} (Short: \p{Upper=Y}, \p{Upper}) (1469)
  2555. \p{Uppercase_Letter} \p{General_Category=Uppercase_Letter}
  2556. (Short: \p{Lu}) (1427)
  2557. \p{Vai} \p{Script=Vai} (NOT \p{Block=Vai}) (300)
  2558. \p{Vaii} \p{Vai} (= \p{Script=Vai}) (NOT \p{Block=
  2559. Vai}) (300)
  2560. \p{Variation_Selector} \p{Variation_Selector=Y} (Short: \p{VS})
  2561. (259)
  2562. \p{Variation_Selector: N*} (Short: \p{VS=N}, \P{VS}) (1_113_853)
  2563. \p{Variation_Selector: Y*} (Short: \p{VS=Y}, \p{VS}) (259)
  2564. X \p{Variation_Selectors} \p{Block=Variation_Selectors} (16)
  2565. X \p{Variation_Selectors_Supplement} \p{Block=
  2566. Variation_Selectors_Supplement} (240)
  2567. X \p{Vedic_Extensions} \p{Block=Vedic_Extensions} (48)
  2568. X \p{Vertical_Forms} \p{Block=Vertical_Forms} (16)
  2569. \p{VertSpace} \v (7)
  2570. \p{VS} \p{Variation_Selector} (=
  2571. \p{Variation_Selector=Y}) (259)
  2572. \p{VS: *} \p{Variation_Selector: *}
  2573. \p{WB: *} \p{Word_Break: *}
  2574. \p{White_Space} \p{White_Space=Y} (Short: \p{WSpace}) (26)
  2575. \p{White_Space: N*} (Short: \p{Space=N}, \P{WSpace})
  2576. (1_114_086)
  2577. \p{White_Space: Y*} (Short: \p{Space=Y}, \p{WSpace}) (26)
  2578. \p{Word} \w, including beyond ASCII (101_685)
  2579. \p{Word_Break: ALetter} (Short: \p{WB=LE}) (23_694)
  2580. \p{Word_Break: CR} (Short: \p{WB=CR}) (1)
  2581. \p{Word_Break: EX} \p{Word_Break=ExtendNumLet} (10)
  2582. \p{Word_Break: Extend} (Short: \p{WB=Extend}) (1455)
  2583. \p{Word_Break: ExtendNumLet} (Short: \p{WB=EX}) (10)
  2584. \p{Word_Break: FO} \p{Word_Break=Format} (137)
  2585. \p{Word_Break: Format} (Short: \p{WB=FO}) (137)
  2586. \p{Word_Break: KA} \p{Word_Break=Katakana} (309)
  2587. \p{Word_Break: Katakana} (Short: \p{WB=KA}) (309)
  2588. \p{Word_Break: LE} \p{Word_Break=ALetter} (23_694)
  2589. \p{Word_Break: LF} (Short: \p{WB=LF}) (1)
  2590. \p{Word_Break: MB} \p{Word_Break=MidNumLet} (8)
  2591. \p{Word_Break: MidLetter} (Short: \p{WB=ML}) (8)
  2592. \p{Word_Break: MidNum} (Short: \p{WB=MN}) (15)
  2593. \p{Word_Break: MidNumLet} (Short: \p{WB=MB}) (8)
  2594. \p{Word_Break: ML} \p{Word_Break=MidLetter} (8)
  2595. \p{Word_Break: MN} \p{Word_Break=MidNum} (15)
  2596. \p{Word_Break: Newline} (Short: \p{WB=NL}) (5)
  2597. \p{Word_Break: NL} \p{Word_Break=Newline} (5)
  2598. \p{Word_Break: NU} \p{Word_Break=Numeric} (402)
  2599. \p{Word_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{WB=NU}) (402)
  2600. \p{Word_Break: Other} (Short: \p{WB=XX}) (1_088_067)
  2601. \p{Word_Break: XX} \p{Word_Break=Other} (1_088_067)
  2602. \p{WSpace} \p{White_Space} (= \p{White_Space=Y}) (26)
  2603. \p{WSpace: *} \p{White_Space: *}
  2604. \p{XDigit} \p{Hex_Digit=Y} (Short: \p{Hex}) (44)
  2605. \p{XID_Continue} \p{XID_Continue=Y} (Short: \p{XIDC})
  2606. (101_615)
  2607. \p{XID_Continue: N*} (Short: \p{XIDC=N}, \P{XIDC}) (1_012_497)
  2608. \p{XID_Continue: Y*} (Short: \p{XIDC=Y}, \p{XIDC}) (101_615)
  2609. \p{XID_Start} \p{XID_Start=Y} (Short: \p{XIDS}) (99_741)
  2610. \p{XID_Start: N*} (Short: \p{XIDS=N}, \P{XIDS}) (1_014_371)
  2611. \p{XID_Start: Y*} (Short: \p{XIDS=Y}, \p{XIDS}) (99_741)
  2612. \p{XIDC} \p{XID_Continue} (= \p{XID_Continue=Y})
  2613. (101_615)
  2614. \p{XIDC: *} \p{XID_Continue: *}
  2615. \p{XIDS} \p{XID_Start} (= \p{XID_Start=Y}) (99_741)
  2616. \p{XIDS: *} \p{XID_Start: *}
  2617. \p{Xpeo} \p{Old_Persian} (= \p{Script=Old_Persian})
  2618. (NOT \p{Block=Old_Persian}) (50)
  2619. \p{Xsux} \p{Cuneiform} (= \p{Script=Cuneiform})
  2620. (NOT \p{Block=Cuneiform}) (982)
  2621. \p{Yi} \p{Script=Yi} (1220)
  2622. X \p{Yi_Radicals} \p{Block=Yi_Radicals} (64)
  2623. X \p{Yi_Syllables} \p{Block=Yi_Syllables} (1168)
  2624. \p{Yiii} \p{Yi} (= \p{Script=Yi}) (1220)
  2625. X \p{Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} \p{Block=Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} (64)
  2626. \p{Z} \p{Separator} (= \p{General_Category=
  2627. Separator}) (20)
  2628. \p{Zinh} \p{Inherited} (= \p{Script=Inherited})
  2629. (523)
  2630. \p{Zl} \p{Line_Separator} (= \p{General_Category=
  2631. Line_Separator}) (1)
  2632. \p{Zp} \p{Paragraph_Separator} (=
  2633. \p{General_Category=
  2634. Paragraph_Separator}) (1)
  2635. \p{Zs} \p{Space_Separator} (=
  2636. \p{General_Category=Space_Separator})
  2637. (18)
  2638. \p{Zyyy} \p{Common} (= \p{Script=Common}) (5395)
  2639. \p{Zzzz} \p{Unknown} (= \p{Script=Unknown})
  2640. (1_006_751)
  2641. T \p{_CanonDCIJ} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
  2642. stable) (= \p{Soft_Dotted=Y}) (46)
  2643. T \p{_Case_Ignorable} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
  2644. stable) (= \p{Case_Ignorable=Y}) (1632)
  2645. T \p{_CombAbove} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
  2646. stable) (= \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
  2647. Above}) (318)
  2648. T \p{_X_Begin} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
  2649. stable) (1_113_907)
  2650. T \p{_X_Extend} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
  2651. stable) (1462)
  2652. T \p{_X_LV_LVT_V} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
  2653. stable) (11_267)

Legal \p{} and \P{} constructs that match no characters

Unicode has some property-value pairs that currently don't match anything. This happens generally either because they are obsolete, or for symmetry with other forms, but no language has yet been encoded that uses them. In this version of Unicode, the following match zero code points:

  • \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=Attached_Below_Left}
  • \p{Joining_Type=Left_Joining}

Properties not accessible through \p{} and \P{}

A few properties are accessible in Perl via various function calls only. These are: Lowercase_Mapping lc() and lcfirst() Titlecase_Mapping ucfirst() Uppercase_Mapping uc()

Case_Folding is accessible through the /i modifier in regular expressions.

The Name property is accessible through the \N{} interpolation in double-quoted strings and regular expressions, but both usages require a use charnames; to be specified, which also contains related functions viacode() and vianame().

Unicode regular expression properties that are NOT accepted by Perl

Perl will generate an error for a few character properties in Unicode when used in a regular expression. The non-Unihan ones are listed below, with the reasons they are not accepted, perhaps with work-arounds. The short names for the properties are listed enclosed in (parentheses).

  • Expands_On_NFC (XO_NFC)
  • Expands_On_NFD (XO_NFD)
  • Expands_On_NFKC (XO_NFKC)
  • Expands_On_NFKD (XO_NFKD)

    Easily computed, and yet doesn't cover the common encoding forms (UTF-16/8)

  • Grapheme_Link (Gr_Link)

    Deprecated by Unicode. Use ccc=vr (Canonical_Combining_Class=Virama) instead

  • Jamo_Short_Name (JSN)

    Used by Unicode internally for generating other properties and not intended to be used stand-alone

  • Script=Katakana_Or_Hiragana (sc=Hrkt)

    Obsolete. All code points previously matched by this have been moved to "Script=Common"

An installation can choose to allow any of these to be matched by changing the controlling lists contained in the program $Config{privlib} /unicore/lib/unicore/mktables and then re-running lib/unicore/mktables. (%Config is available from the Config module).

Files in the To directory (for serious hackers only)

All Unicode properties are really mappings (in the mathematical sense) from code points to their respective values. As part of its build process, Perl constructs tables containing these mappings for all properties that it deals with. But only a few of these are written out into files. Those written out are in the directory $Config{privlib} /unicore/To/ (%Config is available from the Config module).

Those ones written are ones needed by Perl internally during execution, or for which there is some demand, and those for which there is no access through the Perl core. Generally, properties that can be used in regular expression matching do not have their map tables written, like Script. Nor are the simplistic properties that have a better, more complete version, such as Simple_Uppercase_Mapping (Uppercase_Mapping is written instead).

None of the properties in the To directory are currently directly accessible through the Perl core, although some may be accessed indirectly. For example, the uc() function implements the Uppercase_Mapping property and uses the file found in this directory.

The available files with their properties (short names in parentheses), and any flags or comments about them, are:

  1. Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph (bmg)
  2. Perl_Decimal_Digit
  3. Case_Folding (cf)
  4. Lowercase_Mapping (lc)
  5. NFKC_Casefold (NFKC_CF)
  6. Titlecase_Mapping (tc)
  7. Uppercase_Mapping (uc)

An installation can choose to change which files are generated by changing the controlling lists contained in the program $Config{privlib} /unicore/lib/unicore/mktables and then re-running lib/unicore/mktables.

Each of these files defines two hash entries to help reading programs decipher it. One of them looks like this:

  1. $utf8::SwashInfo{'ToNAME'}{'format'} = 's';

where 'NAME' is a name to indicate the property. For backwards compatibility, this is not necessarily the property's official Unicode name. (The 'To' is also for backwards compatibility.) The hash entry gives the format of the mapping fields of the table, currently one of the following:

  1. b binary
  2. d single decimal digit
  3. f floating point number
  4. i integer
  5. r rational: an integer or a fraction
  6. s arbitrary string
  7. x positive hex whole number; a code point

This format applies only to the entries in the main body of the table. Entries defined in hashes or ones that are missing from the list can have a different format.

The value that the missing entries have is given by the other SwashInfo hash entry line; it looks like this:

  1. $utf8::SwashInfo{'ToNAME'}{'missing'} = 'NaN';

This example line says that any Unicode code points not explicitly listed in the file have the value 'NaN' under the property indicated by NAME. If the value is the special string <code point> , it means that the value for any missing code point is the code point itself. This happens, for example, in the file for Uppercase_Mapping (To/, in which code points like the character 'A', are missing because the uppercase of 'A' is itself.


