List::Util - A selection of general-utility list subroutines
- use List::Util qw(first max maxstr min minstr reduce shuffle sum);
contains a selection of subroutines that people have expressed
would be nice to have in the perl core, but the usage would not really be high
enough to warrant the use of a keyword, and the size so small such that being
individual extensions would be wasteful.
By default List::Util
does not export any subroutines.
The following set of functions all reduce a list down to a single value.
Reduces @list
by calling BLOCK
in a scalar context multiple times,
setting $a
and $b
each time. The first call will be with $a
and $b
set to the first two elements of the list, subsequent calls will be done by
setting $a
to the result of the previous call and $b
to the next element
in the list.
Returns the result of the last call to the BLOCK
. If @list
is empty then
is returned. If @list
only contains one element then that element
is returned and BLOCK
is not executed.
The following examples all demonstrate how reduce
could be used to implement
the other list-reduction functions in this module. (They are not in fact
implemented like this, but instead in a more efficient manner in individual C
- $foo = reduce { defined($a) ? $a :
- $code->(local $_ = $b) ? $b :
- undef } undef, @list # first
- $foo = reduce { $a > $b ? $a : $b } 1..10 # max
- $foo = reduce { $a gt $b ? $a : $b } 'A'..'Z' # maxstr
- $foo = reduce { $a < $b ? $a : $b } 1..10 # min
- $foo = reduce { $a lt $b ? $a : $b } 'aa'..'zz' # minstr
- $foo = reduce { $a + $b } 1 .. 10 # sum
- $foo = reduce { $a . $b } @bar # concat
- $foo = reduce { $a || $code->(local $_ = $b) } 0, @bar # any
- $foo = reduce { $a && $code->(local $_ = $b) } 1, @bar # all
- $foo = reduce { $a && !$code->(local $_ = $b) } 1, @bar # none
- $foo = reduce { $a || !$code->(local $_ = $b) } 0, @bar # notall
- # Note that these implementations do not fully short-circuit
If your algorithm requires that reduce
produce an identity value, then make
sure that you always pass that identity value as the first argument to prevent
being returned
- $foo = reduce { $a + $b } 0, @values; # sum with 0 identity value
The remaining list-reduction functions are all specialisations of this generic idea.
- my $bool = any { BLOCK } @list;
Since version 1.33.
Similar to grep
in that it evaluates BLOCK
setting $_
to each element
of @list
in turn. any
returns true if any element makes the BLOCK
return a true value. If BLOCK
never returns true or @list
was empty then
it returns false.
Many cases of using grep
in a conditional can be written using any
instead, as it can short-circuit after the first true result.
- my $bool = all { BLOCK } @list;
Since version 1.33.
Similar to any, except that it requires all elements of the @list
make the BLOCK
return true. If any element returns false, then it returns
false. If the BLOCK
never returns false or the @list
was empty then it
returns true.
Since version 1.33.
Similar to any and all, but with the return sense inverted. none
returns true only if no value in the @list
causes the BLOCK
to return
true, and notall
returns true only if not all of the values do.
- my $val = first { BLOCK } @list;
Similar to grep
in that it evaluates BLOCK
setting $_
to each element
of @list
in turn. first
returns the first element where the result from
is a true value. If BLOCK
never returns true or @list
was empty
then undef
is returned.
- $foo = first { defined($_) } @list # first defined value in @list
- $foo = first { $_ > $value } @list # first value in @list which
- # is greater than $value
- my $num = max @list;
Returns the entry in the list with the highest numerical value. If the list is
empty then undef
is returned.
- $foo = max 1..10 # 10
- $foo = max 3,9,12 # 12
- $foo = max @bar, @baz # whatever
- my $str = maxstr @list;
Similar to max, but treats all the entries in the list as strings and
returns the highest string as defined by the gt
operator. If the list is
empty then undef
is returned.
- $foo = maxstr 'A'..'Z' # 'Z'
- $foo = maxstr "hello","world" # "world"
- $foo = maxstr @bar, @baz # whatever
- my $num = min @list;
Similar to max but returns the entry in the list with the lowest numerical
value. If the list is empty then undef
is returned.
- $foo = min 1..10 # 1
- $foo = min 3,9,12 # 3
- $foo = min @bar, @baz # whatever
- my $str = minstr @list;
Similar to min, but treats all the entries in the list as strings and
returns the lowest string as defined by the lt
operator. If the list is
empty then undef
is returned.
- $foo = minstr 'A'..'Z' # 'A'
- $foo = minstr "hello","world" # "hello"
- $foo = minstr @bar, @baz # whatever
- my $num = product @list;
Since version 1.35.
Returns the numerical product of all the elements in @list
. If @list
empty then 1
is returned.
- $foo = product 1..10 # 3628800
- $foo = product 3,9,12 # 324
- my $num_or_undef = sum @list;
Returns the numerical sum of all the elements in @list
. For backwards
compatibility, if @list
is empty then undef
is returned.
- $foo = sum 1..10 # 55
- $foo = sum 3,9,12 # 24
- $foo = sum @bar, @baz # whatever
- my $num = sum0 @list;
Since version 1.26.
Similar to sum, except this returns 0 when given an empty list, rather
than undef
The following set of functions, all inspired by List::Pairwise, consume an even-sized list of pairs. The pairs may be key/value associations from a hash, or just a list of values. The functions will all preserve the original ordering of the pairs, and will not be confused by multiple pairs having the same "key" value - nor even do they require that the first of each pair be a plain string.
Since version 1.29.
Similar to perl's grep
keyword, but interprets the given list as an
even-sized list of pairs. It invokes the BLOCK
multiple times, in scalar
context, with $a
and $b
set to successive pairs of values from the
Returns an even-sized list of those pairs for which the BLOCK
returned true
in list context, or the count of the number of pairs in scalar context.
(Note, therefore, in scalar context that it returns a number half the size of
the count of items it would have returned in list context).
- @subset = pairgrep { $a =~ m/^[[:upper:]]+$/ } @kvlist
As with grep
aliasing $_
to list elements, pairgrep
aliases $a
to elements of the given list. Any modifications of it by the code block
will be visible to the caller.
Since version 1.30.
Similar to the first function, but interprets the given list as an
even-sized list of pairs. It invokes the BLOCK
multiple times, in scalar
context, with $a
and $b
set to successive pairs of values from the
Returns the first pair of values from the list for which the BLOCK
true in list context, or an empty list of no such pair was found. In scalar
context it returns a simple boolean value, rather than either the key or the
value found.
- ( $key, $value ) = pairfirst { $a =~ m/^[[:upper:]]+$/ } @kvlist
As with grep
aliasing $_
to list elements, pairfirst
aliases $a
to elements of the given list. Any modifications of it by the code block
will be visible to the caller.
Since version 1.29.
Similar to perl's map
keyword, but interprets the given list as an
even-sized list of pairs. It invokes the BLOCK
multiple times, in list
context, with $a
and $b
set to successive pairs of values from the
Returns the concatenation of all the values returned by the BLOCK
in list
context, or the count of the number of items that would have been returned in
scalar context.
- @result = pairmap { "The key $a has value $b" } @kvlist
As with map
aliasing $_
to list elements, pairmap
aliases $a
to elements of the given list. Any modifications of it by the code block
will be visible to the caller.
See KNOWN BUGS for a known-bug with pairmap
, and a workaround.
- my @pairs = pairs @kvlist;
Since version 1.29.
A convenient shortcut to operating on even-sized lists of pairs, this function returns a list of ARRAY references, each containing two items from the given list. It is a more efficient version of
- @pairs = pairmap { [ $a, $b ] } @kvlist
It is most convenient to use in a foreach
loop, for example:
Since version 1.39
these ARRAY references are blessed objects, recognising
the two methods key
and value
. The following code is equivalent:
- my @keys = pairkeys @kvlist;
Since version 1.29.
A convenient shortcut to operating on even-sized lists of pairs, this function returns a list of the the first values of each of the pairs in the given list. It is a more efficient version of
- @keys = pairmap { $a } @kvlist
- my @values = pairvalues @kvlist;
Since version 1.29.
A convenient shortcut to operating on even-sized lists of pairs, this function returns a list of the the second values of each of the pairs in the given list. It is a more efficient version of
- @values = pairmap { $b } @kvlist
- my @values = shuffle @values;
Returns the values of the input in a random order
- @cards = shuffle 0..51 # 0..51 in a random order
If the block of code given to pairmap contains lexical variables that are captured by a returned closure, and the closure is executed after the block has been re-used for the next iteration, these lexicals will not see the correct values. For example:
Will incorrectly print
- three is 3
- three is 3
- three is 3
This is due to the performance optimisation of using MULTICALL
for the code
block, which means that fresh SVs do not get allocated for each call to the
block. Instead, the same SV is re-assigned for each iteration, and all the
closures will share the value seen on the final iteration.
To work around this bug, surround the code with a second set of braces. This
creates an inner block that defeats the MULTICALL
logic, and does get fresh
SVs allocated each time:
This bug only affects closures that are generated by the block but used afterwards. Lexical variables that are only used during the lifetime of the block's execution will take their individual values for each invocation, as normal.
The following are additions that have been requested, but I have been reluctant to add due to them being very simple to implement in perl
Copyright (c) 1997-2007 Graham Barr <>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Recent additions and current maintenance by Paul Evans, <>.